本帖最后由 12345 于 2012-3-11 13:02 编辑
Now we may list the value of the contents of the business box at any time,say down the left side of a piece of pape,
On the right side we may list the value of claims on those contents
The claims of third party creditors will be know
[The claims of the owners will amount to whatever is necessary to make the total value of claims equal to the total value of content
[Such a list of contents(on the left) balanced by a list of claims (on the right),constitutes a simple balance sheeT
balance sheet is a presentation of the state of affairs of a business in a succinct,systematic and recognizable forma
[05:00.09]Restating the original theory ,with the picture of the business as a box ,we can writ
contents = $ claims on conten
[In accounting terms ,this become
[0ssets = equity + liabileti
Where asserts are simply what is held in the business, equity is the claim of the owners,and liabilities are the claims of third partie
[]By transferring liabilities to the side of the equation we may writ
assets - liabilities = equi
or using a technical term 2.Net assets = Equi
Finally we may split equity into the capital originally put into the business and reserve
Reserves represent profits which have been reserved or kept in the business.The equation now become
Net Assets = capital + represent
1,2 and 3 above are forms of the fundamental accounting equatio
From: http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/businessenglish/accountant/2009-07-29/85527.html