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桃園地區客家八音研究 -以音樂文化為主

发表于 2013-10-10 21:45:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
桃園地區客家八音研究 -以音樂文化為主
The Research of Ha'kka Ba'ying in Tauwuan Area--on the focus of Musical Culture
研究生: 游庭婷
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立藝術學院
系所名稱: 傳統藝術研究所
學年度: 85
客家八音是一種客家人的傳統音樂,是客家人在傳統的婚喪喜慶歲時祭儀等場合用以演奏或伴奏的音樂,它普遍分佈於客家人聚集的桃園、新竹、苗栗與高屏等地區;其中桃園地區的客家八音活動頗為興盛,並以此為本論文的研究主題。  本論文的目的,在探討客家八音與社會的關係,運用音樂社會學與民族音樂學的相關理論與方法,首先分析桃園地區客家八音的發展與活動結構,由此而深入研析其隱含的社會文化脈絡,藉此來呈現客家八音與社會之聯繫。研究的結果,則以客家八音與社會之文化、經濟與族群等三個面向來陳述。

Ha'kka Ba'ying is one kind of Ha'kka's traditional music,and it is used in the wedding,funeral and festival position.The main topic of this thesisis the research of Ha'kka Ba'ying in Tauwuan area. Through the theory and method of the sociology of music and athnomusic- ology,the researcher here want to explore the relationship between Ha'kka Ba'ying and the society.First,it is to analysis the development and act-ivity of Ha'kka Ba'ying in Tauwuan area,then, from that point of view,continue to find out the hidden soci-cultural context of Ha'kka Ba'ying.  The conclusion of the research will be described as the relationship between Ha'kka Ba'ying and the society by three dimension-culture, ecomomic and nation.

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