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发表于 2004-4-10 15:58:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



亲爱的Dominic,我真的想有一篇你关于你的团体用英语出版的你的有趣的按季节发行的通讯。 我被全世界客家 文化迷住。 这是特立尼达中国人的简短历史:  80 %来自中山,仍然讲那里的语言,就像在广东一样( 也有讲台山 方言的)。 他们的一些孩子确实还能讲话那里的语言,但一些也不能了。;大约有20%的人来自中国广东的Fui On, Toong Kwan, Po On , 并且今天仍然一小群体,他们的从中国那里来的老一代最初讲客家话,但他们的孩子几乎不会说客家话了。我的妈妈1940 年在特立尼达出生,从她的祖父那里学会客家话,她的祖父是特立尼达Fui Toong On协会的一名成员。 但是她在家不教我们客家话( 它是不允许学的,但是我们学会了一些粤语术语),在家里和学校我们学的都是英语。 许多有影响力的特立尼达中国人在战争前后已经把他们的小孩送到香港和中国,以便他们的孩子能得到中国教育和文化。 我的爸爸是混血儿,具有中山中国人血统,( 他能流利地讲粤语和普通话,他在香港和中国长大)。 一些特立尼达中国人已经是混血儿,一些全部是客家人或者广东人(广府人),一些具有东印度和非洲血统或者西班牙语和加勒比血统, 一些中国人也还有葡萄牙、西班牙和加勒比血统。
特立尼达在20世纪70年代,有一次黑人运动,那时有许多种族冲突,这导致许多中国人迁移到北美、英国和世界的其他地方。 迁移模式显示,来自加勒比海包括黑人和东印第安人和葡萄牙人在内的全部其它民族群体, 倾向于为寻找更好生活向北移民到加拿大和美国。
希望我们能保持联系。 与保护组织一起的运气最好,我期盼将来能给你一些明确的材料。也希望你的生气勃勃的社团越办越好。   我有来自印度的朋友,能够讲旁遮普语、北印度语和Gujratii。

亲爱的Henrietta,非常谢谢你给的信息。通过你我已经收到一批来自Tangra ,现已迁移到加拿大客家同胞的信。 我在加拿大有许多亲戚和朋友, 但是以前我没有意识到你们中的很多人通过组办这样的事情来保护和丰富我们的文化,为客家人社团提供了巨大的帮助。对你们所有人致予崇高敬意!  !    !   我将努力在多伦多传播关于客家人 会议的通讯。
我对艾伦教授选择她的书的题目为" 血,汗和麻将"我并不惊讶。 我了解大多数印度中国人怎样为克服他们的贫困生活而努力奋斗的事情。 我期待读她的书并且将理所当然地乐于发现全部性格象我正看见他们一样存在和真实, 现在是关键的时刻!!!
我们已经准备一本日记,它罗列了一些重要的中国人 节日和印度中国人 怎样庆祝它们的简短描述。 明年我们计划准备一本关于零散分布但遍及全印度的不同的中国人团体的日记。 我们也已经开始发表每季一期的英文版通讯了。 希望这个通讯能成为在社团中交流思想的媒介。
消除其它协会不是我们的意图。所有的协会和团体都在他们自己的路上、在他们自己工作的领域做了伟大的工作。 但是如果我们全部能象一起组织和庆祝新年一样为共同的事业联合起来,跟不公平现象等做斗争,我认为我们能更有效地为社会做贡献。

p.s. Pouchong 国际公司是干什么的?是不是你的公司? 我是一个金匠,我从40年前就开始搞珠宝生意的父亲手中学到这门技术。 绝大部分的印度籍中国人从我们商店里购买金饰。但来自当地中国人的"  Pou  Chong"生意已经随着人口而萎缩,迫使我们集中精力开发出口市场。  
现在我们正把我们的金珠宝出口到迪拜和香港。 我们也生产不同的沙司,如红辣椒沙司、黄豆沙司、西红柿沙司等。我们也在Tangra加工皮革。
你是干什么的呢? 你是像艾伦教授一样的学者和研究员吗? 一定要告诉我更多有关特立尼达中国人的东西。 我真的惊讶获悉你是从特立尼达来的。 你讲客家话中的哪种类型? 我们讲梅县客家话。 我在毛里求斯还有一些亲戚。

[ Last edited by 天狼吼 on 2004-4-10 at 16:37 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-10 16:00:37 | 显示全部楼层
Hakkas in India

·        To: fhakka@asiawind.com
·        Subject: Hakkas in India
·        From: Kelvin & Henri <kachie-hakit@account-pro.com>
·        Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 15:55:38 -0400

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to post this email, because we can all learn about the
Chinese in Trinidad, and India at the same time.

Dear Dominic,
I would really like to have a copy of your interesting quarterly newsletter
that you publish in English about your community. I am truly fascinated by
the Hakka culture in all parts of the world.

Here's a brief history of the Trinidadian Chinese:
80 percent are from Chung Shan and the ones that still speak the language,
do so in Cantonese(there's a few Chinese that speak Toy Shan dialect), some
of their kids do speak the language, some don't; roughly 20 percent are
from Fui On, Toong Kwan, Po On in Guangdong, China, and there's still a
small group today and the older generation originally from China speak
Hakka, most of their kids don't. My mom who was born in Trinidad in 1940
learnt Hakka from her grandfather who was a founding member of the Fui
Toong On Association in Trinidad, but she didn't teach us Hakka at home(it
wasn't allowed, but we learnt a few Cantonese terms), English was taught at
home and school.

A lot of influential Trinidadian Chinese had sent their kids to Hong Kong
and China before and after the war so that their kids could receive Chinese
education and culture. My dad was mixed, with Chung Shan Chinese(he spoke
Cantonese and Mandarin fluently, he grew up in Hong Kong and China). Some
Trinidadian Chinese have mixed roots, some are all Hakka or all Cantonese,
some have East Indian or African roots, or/and Spanish and Carib roots,
some Chinese too have Portuguese roots and Spanish and Carib roots.

It was around the 1970s in Trinidad, there was a Black Power movement, and
a lot of racial tension at the time, that encouraged a lot of Chinese to
migrate to North America, England and other parts of the world. Migration
patterns show that many people from the Caribbean including Blacks and East
Indians and Portuguese and all other ethnic groups, have tend to move
northwards to Canada and the U.S. in search of a better life.

Keep in touch. Best of luck with the umbrella organization, I look to the
future for positive things for you and hope the best for your vibrant
community. I have friends from India who speak Punjabi, Hindi and Gujratii.
All the best,

Dear Henrietta,
Thank you very much for your information.  Through you I have received a
loadful of e-mails from our Tangra Hakkas brethens who had migrated to Canada.

I  have a lot of relatives and friends in Canada. But I was not aware that
most of you are doing a great service to the Hakka community by trying to
preserve and enrich our culture by organising such an event.  Kudos and
Congrats to all of you!!!  I will try to spread the message regarding the
Hakka conference in Toronto.

Hope a lot of dynamic people will participate and a lot of constructive
ideas will emerge.

I am not surprised that Prof. Ellen has aptly chosen the titile of her book
as "Blood, Sweat & Mahjong". I know how most of the Indian chinese had
struggled in life to overcome their poverty. I look forward to reading her
book and will of course be happy to find all the characters as alive and
true as I am seeing them, now this very moment!!!

We have prepared a diary which lists some important chinese festivals and a
brief description of how the Indian chinese celebrates them.  For next year
we are planning to prepare a diary about the different chinese communities
scattered all over India. We have also started a quarterly newsletter in
English. Hope to make this newsletter a medium to exchange ideas among the

It is not our intention to eliminate all the other associations.  All the
associations and groups are doing a great job in their own little ways and in
their own fields of work.  But if we can all unite together for a common cause
like organising and celebrating the New Year together, fighting injustice,
etc.  I suppose we all  can contribute more effectively to the society.

>p.s. What does Pouchong International Company do and is it your own company?

I am a goldsmith. I had learned the skills from my father who had started this
jewellery business 40 years ago. Most of the Indian chinese buys their gold
jewelleries from our shop  "ou Chong" Business from the local chinese has
dwindled with the population,  forcing us to concentrate on the export
Now we are exporting our gold jewelleries to Dubai and gemstones to Hong Kong.
We also manufactures different sauces like chilli sauce, soya sauce, tomato
sauce etc.  We also process finished leather in Tangra.

What about you ?  Are you a scholar and a researcher like Prof. Ellen ? Do
tell me more about the Trinidad chinese.  I am really surprised to learn
that you are from Trinidad. Which type of Hakka do you speak ?  We speak
Mei- xien(Moi Yan)Hakka.  I do have some relatives in Mauritius.

With regards.

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发表于 2004-4-10 16:12:23 | 显示全部楼层




[ Last edited by andrew on 2004-4-10 at 16:17 ]
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发表于 2004-4-10 16:25:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-4-10 16:36:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-4-10 16:47:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-4-10 16:53:01 | 显示全部楼层
Posted by andrew at 2004-4-10 16:36


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发表于 2004-4-10 17:24:12 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-4-19 02:39:08 | 显示全部楼层
Pouchong 国际公司 = 寶昌金舖
寶昌金舖 還有賣各種醬料 白味、烏味、豆士、水豆醬、辣醬等
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