发表于 2012-1-21 10:50:08
本帖最后由 namlow 于 2012-1-21 11:17 编辑
比较一下, 这是加拿大人的:
| 2011 ItineraryThe 2011 Route is confirmed. We are working with our community partners to finalize details for each day. Check back as we update the day-by-day details.
Cyclists Sites & Details - Description of the route and sites riders will see along the trail coming soon.
Blue Flag is a highly respected and recognized international eco-label awarded to beaches and marinas that meet strict criteria for water quality, environmental education, environmental management, and safety and services. In 2010, Ontario was awarded 15 Blue Flags for beaches, and 3 for marinas. A Blue Flag at a beach tells swimmers that the water quality is great, and the beach is clean – so the only thing you need to worry about for a great day at the beach is sunscreen! Have more questions? Look for Aiden during the 2011 GWTA.
