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发表于 2011-6-23 10:03:47
本帖最后由 namlow 于 2011-6-23 10:07 编辑
CME FORECAST, REVISED: A CME propelled toward Earth by the "solstice solar flare" of June 21st may be moving slower than originally thought. Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab have downgraded the cloud's probable speed from 800 km/s to 650 km/s. Impact is now expected on June 24th at 0700 UT plus or minus 7 hours. In this animated forecast model, the yellow dot is Earth:
CME的预测,修订:A CME对地球推进由“夏至太阳耀斑”的6月21日可能比原先认为移动慢。在GSFC空间天气实验室的分析师们从800公里/秒下调,云的可能速度650公里/秒影响目前预计6月24日在0700 UT加上或减去7个小时。在这个动画的预测模型,黄点是地球.