The Hakkas are a unique ethnic group of "Han" Chinese originally active around the Yellow River area.客家人是一个独特的种族集团的"韩"中文原本活跃靠近黄河地区。 They are thought to be one of the earliest "Han" settlers in China.他们被认为是其中一个最早的"韩"定居在中国。 One theory has it that many of the early Hakkas were affiliated with the "royal bloods".其中一个理论认为许多早期客家人都是附属于"皇家血液" 。 The truth may be more complicated than that. It is highly likely that while Hakka may be a stronghold of Han culture, Hakka people also have married other ethnic groups and adopted their cultures during the long migration history of 2000 years.真相可能更为复杂得多,这是极有可能,而客家可能是一个重要据点的汉文化,客家话的人也有结婚的其他族群,并通过他们的文化,在漫长的迁徙历史, 2000多年。 Due to the infusion of other ethnic groups from the northwest, north and northeast, these original settlers gradually migrated south and settled in Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangdong.由于输液的其他族群,从西北,华北和东北地区,这些原来的定居者逐渐移居南与定居在江西,福建,广东等省。 They were called Hakka by the locals when they first settled in. This term has been used since by non-Hakka and Hakka people, and in international publications.它们被称为客家由当地人的时候,他们首先解决了曾让任期已用于自由非客家人与客家人,并在国际刊物。 The spelling "Hakka" is derived from the pronunciation in Hakka dialect ( pronounced as "haagga" in Hakka and "kejia" in Mandarin).拼写"客家" ,是源自于读音,客家话(发音为" haagga "客家"客家" ,在国语) 。
During the last hundred years or so, Hakka people migrated to South East Asia, East Africa, Europe (Holland, United Kingdom, France, Germany..), South America (Brazil, Trinidad...) Canada, US.在过去一百多年来,客家人迁徙到南亚,东亚,东非,欧洲(荷兰,英国,法国,德国.. ) ,南美洲(巴西,特立尼达... )加拿大,美国。 About 7% of the 1.2 billion Chinese clearly state their Hakka origin or heritage.约7 %的十二亿中国明确注明他们的客家血统或遗产。 However, the actual number may be more as many Hakka Han who settled along the path of migration assimilate with the local people.不过,实际数字可能更多,因为很多广东客家汉们沿着移民同化与当地人民。 The Hakka identity is gradually lost.客家身份正在逐步丧失。
Hakka people are noted for their preservation of certain cultural characteristics that could be traced to pre-Qin period (about 2200 years ago) as expressed in the custom, foods, spoken language, etc.客家人士指出,为它们保存的一些文化特色,可以追溯到先秦时期(约2200年前)所表达的习俗,食品,口语等。
Hakka people are also known to be very adamant in defending their cultural heritage, which was the reason for their migration to flee from the "northern" influence at that time.客家的人也被称为是非常坚决捍卫自己的文化遗产,这是他们的理由迁移逃亡,从"北方"的影响,在那个时候。
As a late comer to places initially occupied by locals, Hakkas usually had to struggle and survive on the less desirable lands.作为后来者,以地方起初被占领当地人,客家人通常必须奋斗和生存,就有欠理想的土地上。 Thus, Hakka people are well-known for their perseverance even in the most adverse environment.因此,客家话的人是众所周知的,为他们的毅力,即使是在最恶劣的环境。
Among all the Chinese people, Hakkas are among the most conservative in keeping the traditions.全体中国人民的人,客家人是最保守,在保持传统。 Yet, many are willing to take risks and seek new opportunities elsewhere to establish themselves.然而,许多人都愿意承担风险,并寻求新的机会,在其他地方设立基地。 The migratory tradition results in the distribution of Hakka in the most remote part of the world.迁徙的传统,结果在分配客家是在最偏远的世界的一部分。 An anecdote has it that the north-most restaurant in the world close to the Arctic is in fact a Chinese restaurant run by a Hakka.一个轶事有人说,北方大部分餐厅,在世界上接近北极实际上是在一家中国餐馆,由客家。 :) : )
The Hakka people, paradoxically conservative and endeavoring, hard-working and enduring, is reflective of the spirit of Chinese culture.客家的人,矛盾的保守和努力,辛勤工作和持久的,是反思的精神,中国文化。
The following is the definition given in Ci Hai (Compendium of Phrases): (in Chinese Big5 code)以下是他给出的定义辞海(汇编短语) : (在中文Big5码)
辭海(1947,1985) 中華書店 - 閩贛粵湘交界及廣西之武宣,馬平,四川之隆昌, 成都,重慶,台灣之彰化,諸羅等處居民有所謂客家者,其人堅固耐勞,勇 于進取,清季太平軍首領洪楊諸人即為此族。新方言嶺外三州語:“廣東惠 嘉應二州東得潮之大阜豐順,其民自晉末踰嶺,宅於海濱,言語敦古,廣州 人謂之客家。” 辞海( 1947,1985 ) ,中华书店-闽赣粤湘交界及广西之武宣,马平,四川之隆昌,成都,重庆,台湾之彰化,诸罗等处居民有所谓客家者,其人坚固耐劳,勇于进取,清季太平军首领洪杨诸人即为此族。新方言岭外三州语说: "广东惠嘉应二州东得潮之大阜丰顺,其民自晋末逾岭,宅于海滨 , 言语敦古 , 广州人谓之客家" 。 |