发表于 2007-5-15 14:36:50
原帖由 客家仙子 于 2007-5-15 13:03 发表 
大家好,我是客家仙子,解释下这名字吧,这个名字一开始只是一个ID,因为小时候太喜欢花仙子的动画了,呵呵,只是后来被大家认可了,让我以这个名字出现的,我把这个名字加了客家,是因为我希望认识我的人都要认 ...
English translation:
Hakka Angel posted on 2007-5-15 13:03 
Best blessing, I am HAKKA ANGEL, which was just an ID originally. It came from a "Flower Angel" animation that I love a lot when I was young. Ha ha, "Flower Angel" was well accepted by the folks and was used openly. I replaced the "flower" by "Hakka" because I hope for all who recognize me also need to know that ...
Really hope that one day I can present a Hakka Album and let the world know that we are Hakka...
客家仙子-Hakka Angel已轉貼上全球三大社群区
Hakka Angel goes global!
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[ 本帖最后由 namlow 于 2007-5-17 16:32 编辑 ] |