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新加坡: 二战抗日女英雄蔡杨素梅 (客家)

发表于 2006-9-17 22:06:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
二战抗日女英雄蔡杨素梅(Elizabeth Choy),因患癌在昨天病逝,享年96岁。












  在新加坡历史上有巨大贡献的蔡杨素梅获奖无数,除登上由新加坡妇女理事会首次设立的“名人榜”外,也获新达城扶轮社颁发保罗哈里斯奖章(Paul Harris Fellow)。








[ 本帖最后由 城客 于 2006-9-17 22:13 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-17 22:07:36 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2006-9-17 22:24:13 | 显示全部楼层
一开始我以为是 广州的,因为她的名字是 choy,而不是cai。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-17 23:00:37 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yanxiuhong 于 2006-9-17 22:24 发表
一开始我以为是 广州的,因为她的名字是 choy,而不是cai。


1。她的英文名字是客家发音 Yong Su-Moi
choy 是她老公的姓. Choy 是客家发音
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-17 23:01:32 | 显示全部楼层

96-year-old war heroine Elizabeth Choy dies from cancer

SINGAPORE: She was known as a war heroine, a humanitarian, a politician and a teacher.

96-year-old legend Elizabeth Choy died on Thursday, after a battle with cancer.

Family members said she died at 2pm at home, surrounded by her loved ones.

The wake will be held at the St Andrew's Cathedral.

Elizabeth Choy was born Yong Su-Moi in Sabah in 1910, but moved to Singapore in 1929 to further her studies.

Responsibility came early to this eldest of 6 children when her mother passed away early.

Of Hakka descent, she became a teacher to support her siblings - a vocation she returned to later in life.

In 1941, Elizabeth Choy got married, but life would soon turn hellish.

Both she and her husband were captured by the dreaded Japanese Kempeitai when Singapore fell.

Accused of passing food, medicine and messages to British prisoners-of-war, she was locked up and tortured for 193 days.

In a recent documentary, she recalled these times to her grand-daughter, Andrea.

"My most agonising torture was - besides all the kicking and punching - nothing compared to the electric shocks - they applied electricity to my bare body," said Elizabeth .

After the war, the War Tribunal asked the war heroine if she wanted her torturers executed.

Her answer was no.

"If not for war, they would be just like me. They would be at home with their family, doing just ordinary things and peaceful work. Let us pray that there will be no more war," said Elizabeth .

Elizabeth Choy went on to be awarded a number of medals for valour and service to the nation, including the Order of the British Empire.

There were fun times as well, such as the little-known fact that she turned to modelling to supplement her income during a 4-year stint in the United Kingdom after the war.

After returning to Singapore, this war heroine then turned to politics - making history by becoming Singapore's first female legislator.

She then stood for elections in the Queenstown branch but lost.

Elizabeth Choy then left politics to go back to her first love - teaching.

She spent 40 years doing this.

Asked some years ago which part of her remarkable life she wanted to be remembered for, there was no hesitation.

"Teaching is a noble profession. You have young people and you help to mould them so teaching is very important," said Elizabeth .

In the end - perhaps that is indeed Elizabeth Choy's lasting legacy.

She taught a nation what it is to live a life less ordinary. - CNA /dt

http://www.channelnewsasia.com/c ... abeth&id=230370
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发表于 2006-9-17 23:23:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 城客 于 2006-9-17 23:00 发表

1。她的英文名字是客家发音 Yong Su-Moi
choy 是她老公的姓. Choy 是客家发音

谢谢,Yong Su-Moi 看来是客家读音。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-18 00:13:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yanxiuhong 于 2006-9-17 23:23 发表

谢谢,Yong Su-Moi 看来是客家读音。


我的家人和朋友都把"蔡"读成 choy,原来我们都错了!
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发表于 2006-9-18 00:27:06 | 显示全部楼层
也许只有 陆河 北部少数客家会把 蔡 读成 菜。

多数客家 菜-蔡 是不同读音的。
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发表于 2006-9-18 10:55:38 | 显示全部楼层
我以前住的农场有一个村叫蔡坑,大家都叫coi hang,蔡=菜=coi,除此之外,我也不知道蔡应该念什么。

[ 本帖最后由 hd136302 于 2006-9-18 10:56 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-18 15:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
By: Germaine Foo-Tan

.Volume 7 Issue 10

A young and beautiful Elizabeth taken in 1933

The worst of times can bring out the best in man. History offers many examples of bravery and heroism in the face of crisis. One such illustration is the Elizabeth Choy story in the Double Tenth Massacre of 10 October 1943.

On 27 September, seven Japanese ships were sunk in Keppel Harbour. Despite a thorough search of the surrounding waters, the Japanese failed to track down the saboteurs. The attack, dubbed Operation Jaywick, had in fact been the work of Force Z, a team of 14 Australian and British commandos. While Force Z celebrated its successful attack, Singapore was made to pay for the devastation to the Japanese ships.

Detainees of the Changi Prison internment camp as well as some hapless members of the public were singled out for the punishment. On the morning of 10 October, the internees were assembled for a roll-call. What followed was a search for radio sets hidden in the prison. Some of the internees had smuggled in radio parts and assembled their own sets. That these radios could only receive and not transmit information outside the prison, or that no one had even heard of Force Z were inconsequential to the Japanese. Someone had to pay for the betrayal and the kempeitai or secret police tortured and threatened the internees with unabashed vengeance.

It was during one of these interrogations that the kempeitai found out that some radio parts had come from a hospital canteen operator, Choy Khun Heng, Elizabeth Choy's husband. Choy Khun Heng was arrested first on 29 October at his Tan Tock Seng canteen. Days later, Elizabeth Choy was lured to the YMCA in Orchard Road on the promise of seeing her husband. She was to spend the next 193 days and nights there in a cell no bigger than three by four metres with only a narrow air-vent on one wall and no windows. This she shared with twenty other people, a mix of civil servants, doctors and businessmen, most locals with a handful of foreigners.

The interrogations were frequent at first and could take place any time of the day or night. The kempeitai liked to alternate between being civil and being beastly in demanding for names of collaborators. She was slapped, kicked and spat at, but it was the electric shock that was to leave her with a life-long fear for electricity. "During the torture, it was impossible to show defiance and be brave; it was impossible to suppress the screams, or to stop the tears and mucus from streaming down her face." But she refused to confess. To Elizabeth Choy, "she could not confess to something she knew was untrue. It would implicate others. It was not right and she could not do it. Not even if it meant more physical abuse at the hands of her jailors." No matter how severe the torture, she always managed to walk back to her cell with as much resolution as she could muster. Typically, she was far more concerned about the welfare of her cell-mates than her own suffering. Her compassion and selflessness, as well as the fact that she remained undefeated to the end won her the admiration of her fellow detainees. In recognition of her valour during the Japanese Occupation, Elizabeth Choy was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 1946.

There are many lessons that we can draw from the Elizabeth Choy story. One of them is that her psychological resilience and principled stand helped her in enduring her treatment and interrogation at the hands of her Japanese captors. In trying times, showing care and concern for our fellow man is a show of humanity that binds and unifies. From this unity comes strength to overcome the odds.

Adapted from
"Elizabeth Choy, more than a war heroine" - A biography by Zhou Mei.

http://www.mindef.gov.sg/imindef ... v07n10_history.html
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发表于 2006-9-23 16:23:54 | 显示全部楼层


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