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发表于 2006-5-3 15:30:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (1)
Author: CHUNG Yoon-Ngan
Date:   03-30-03 19:05

The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (1)

In Sabah, every day at 12.45 pm in the afternoon when you turn on your radio and tune to Radio Malaysia you will hear this:"今那由某某報告客家新聞
or Now so and so is going to read the the news in Hakka".

When you are having a cup of tea in a Hainanese coffee shop you wiil
often hear this phrase "頭家收錢 or Boss receive money" in Hakka.

It is really very unusual to see a Chinese who cannot speak Hakka in Sabah. It was estimated that there were over 300,000 Chinese in the State of Sabah and more than half of them were Hakkas. Over 98% of the Chinese in Sabah speak Hakka dialect.

Why are there so many Hakka Chinese in Sabah? Even the Chief Minister of
the Sabah State Government is a Hakka Chinese.

There are three theories which attempt to explain why there are so many
Hakkas in Sabah:

(1) The remnants of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (太平天國 1851 to 1864) escaped from China and went to live in Sabah (formerly North Borneo).

(2) The North Borneo Chartered Company wanted Hakka Chinese workers to develop North Borneo.

(3) In 1882 Sir Walter Medhurst went to the Hakka counties in China to recruit Hakka workers on behalf of the North Borneo Company.

The First theory:

金田崛起奮同仇﹐=Jintian jue qi fen tong chou,
嘆息英雄志末酬﹔=Tan xi ying xiong zhi mo chou;

又見腥羶渺無際﹐=You jian xing shan miao wu ji,
秦淮嗚咽水空流。=Qinhuai wu ye shui kong liu.

The uprising in Jintian was to fight the common enemy,
Alas, the heroic deeds of the heroes were not rewarded.

Again we saw the country being under the controlled by those
who smelt of mutton. Sadly, the river of Qinhuai sobbed for its water flowing in vain.


金田 (Jintian) is a village in the county of Guiping (桂平縣)
in Guangxi province (廣西省). On 11th January 1851AD
Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全) staged an uprising against the Qing
Government (清朝). It was the beginning of the Taiping Movement.

秦淮 (Qinhuai) is a river.that flows through the city of Nanjing (南京市
). In March 1853 the Taipings occupied Nanjing and established their
capital there. They named their new capital 天京 (Tianjing).

In January 1864AD, General Charles George Gordon, the commander-in-chief of the Ever Victorious Army (常勝軍) fighting for the Qing Government (清朝), defeated the Taiping Army of Heavely Kingdom (太平天國). In February, the Qing General, Zuo Zhongtang (左宗棠) captured Hangzhou (杭州). Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全), the Heavenly King (天王), committed suicide by taking poison. Hong Futian (洪福瑱), the 16-year-old son of Hong Xiuquan succeeded him. In July the Qing Army under the command of Zeng Guoquan (曾國荃), the younger brother of Zeng
Guofan (曾國藩), captured the Heavenly capital. Not a single resident of about 300,000 in Tianjing surrendered to the Qing Army. Hong Futian, leading the remnant of the Taipings, fled to the south from the capital.

In August, the new Tian Wang was captured by the Qing troops in Nanchang (南昌市) city in Jiangxi province (江西省). He was executed by dismemberment of the body. That was the end of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The remaining of the Taipings retreated to the Hakka regions in western
Fujian province (福建省). Zuo Zongtang (左宗棠), leading the Qing troops,
was ordered by the Qing Authorities to go after them. Within a short period
and after a few battles, the remnant of the Taipings retreated further south to the Hakka stronghold in Jiayingzhou (嘉應州 present day Meixian (梅縣) in Guangdong province (廣東省). They tried to establish a base in the hills in Jiayingzhou. Eventually, in December of 1865, they were being besieged by the Qing troops.

The Taipings made a stand. In the following battles more than ten thousand Taipings were killed. As they were in a hopeless situation, without food and ammunition, over 50,000 Taipings surrendered to Zuo Zongtang. What happened to those who surrendered no one knew and also no one knew how many of the Taipings escaped to present day Sabah and other places in the world.

Dr Han Suyin writes in her book "The Crippled Tree":

"After the Taiping failed in 1864, the Manzhous (Qing Authorities 清朝)
put all men, women and children named Hung (Hong 洪) to the sword, to extirpate the breed; many fled, or changed their names. Because of these massacres many Hakkas migrated to south-east Asia (Nanyang 南洋), or were inveigled by the boat-load to become indentured labourers on railways and canals in the East Indies (Indonesia), Malaya (Malaysia and Singapore), the United States, and as far as Panama, Brazil and Africa."

According to the records on early pioneers in North Borneo (present day
Sabah), the first Hakkas to arrive in Sandakan, in the east coast of North
Borneo, were those people with the surname of Hong (洪). They were the followers of Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全).

CHUNG Yoon-Ngan (鄭永元)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-3 15:32:41 | 显示全部楼层
The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (2)
Author: CHUNG Yoon-Ngan
Date:   04-02-03 00:11

The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (2)

(2) The second theory:
The North Borneo Chartered Company wanted
Hakka workers to develop North Borneo.

Wife (妻子):


Desperately I tried to pursue my man not to leave for a foreign country,
In the foreign country he might not return to China,
Living so faraway from home and without me near him
Life would be hard for him,

Husband (丈夫):


I live in a foreign land and my wife at home in China,
We are far apart under the same sky;
My wife is in China without her partner,
And I am alone in a foreign land.

A Hakka folk song

For centuries the island of Kalimantan (Borneo) was a mystery to the "civilized"
world. No one knew its shape or size, other than the vague irony of a boundless island. The Chinese merchants believed there were sacred hornbills in the island
and yet none of them ever seen one even though they sailed there to bartar Song porcelains for golden jades with the residents of this island.

Even up to the turn of the 19th century the "civilized" world still did not know much about the world's third largest largest island. Then In 1881AD, the British officially took control of the north coast of the this large island. A company was formed in
Britain to administer this part of the island. The company was officially named the British North Borneo Chartered Company.

There were about 100,000 natives on the land that was very fertile, but covered with thick forest. The natives of this part of the island were;
the Kadazans, the farmers, the Muruts, the blowpipe hunters, the Bajaus, the sea gypsies, the Illanuns, the pirates and the Malays who were the offspring of the
Brunei sultante Malays who once ruled the whole of Kalimantan island.

Using the experience they gained in Malaya, the British North Borneo Company wanted to develop North Borneo the way they did in Malaya. However, there was a shortage of labour, so they planned to get a labour force from China.

The North Borneo Company wanted Hakka workers to develop the land because they knew the Hakkas were hard working, diligent and industrious.

Since 1842AD, the island of Hong Kong was ruled by the British. Many Hakkas lived in the eastern and southern regions of Guangdong province which was not
far from the British Administration of Hong Kong. The North Borneo Compant sent representatives to Hong Kong to engage Hakka Chinese contractors to recruit Hakka workers.

CHUNG Yoon-Ngan (鄭永元)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-3 15:33:23 | 显示全部楼层
The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (3)
Author: CHUNG Yoon-Ngan
Date:   04-02-03 10:00

The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (3)

(3) The third theory:
Sir Walter Medhurst recruiting Hakka workers.


All the mountains are full of trees like pine,
I can only see miscellaneous trees with luxuriant foliage;
I have not seen anyone building a house to live,
Other than the Hakkas put up thatched cottages.

A Malaysian Hakka folk song

In 1882AD, the North Borneo Company sent Sir Walter Medhurst to Hong Kong
to see Rev. Roldold Lechler, who was a priest. They had a meeting in the hall of Ying Pan Ba Se Hakka Association (營盤巴色客家公會的禮堂). The end result of the meeting was that they went to Long Chuan county (龍川縣) in Guangdong province (廣東省) to solicit labour force to develop North Borneo. Long Chuan county was a Hakka county. The North Borneo Company only wanted Hakka workers because
they knew the Hakkas were hard working, diligent and industrious.

The first batch of 96 Hakka workers from Long Chuan county, sponsored by
the Company and under the leadership of Luo Tai Feng (羅泰豐), arrived in
Kudat (古達) on the 4th of April, 1883AD. They cleared the land and
planted vegetables, fruit trees, coffee trees, coconut trees, rubber trees, etc.

The second batch of about 300 Hakka workers under the sponsorship of the
North Borneo Company arrived in Kudat in 1886AD. The third batch of about
700 Hakka workers sponsored by the Company arrived in Kudat in March 1913.
In addition to these three batches, sponsored by the North Borneo Company, there were many other Hakkas who migrated to Kudat. From Kudat these Hakkas
relocated themselves to other parts of North Borneo, especially the capital Jesselton (present day Kota Kinabalu, the Hakkas called it Api or City of Fire) and Sandakan, where there were many ex-Taiping revolutionists. They opened up wasteland and jungles and developed their newly adopted homes into small towns and big towns.

Most of the Hakkas in North Borneo were originally from Long Chuan (龍川),
Wu Hua (五華), Zi Jin (紫金), He Liu (河流), Dong Guan (東莞), Qing Yuan (清遠), Hua Xian (花縣), etc.

In 1897, the famous pirate of North Borneo Mat (Mohammed) Salleh burned down the whole settlement in Pulai Gaya Island (葫蘆加耶島). The natives did not rebuild their houses on the island, instead they moved inland and established their new settlement which they named it Api (亞庇). Api means =Fire in Malay. The Hakka Chinese followed the natives in calling the settlement Api. However, the British preferred the English name of Jesselton, naming it after Sir Charles Jessel, the vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of the Borneo Company. Hakkas in Api
were mostly relocated from Kudat after the new settlement was established.

The Hakkas established their homes in the areas near Inanam (下南南) and MacArthur? (孟加達) roads. They built their houses on stilts over still water. Later
it became a little village called Kampong Ayer or Water Village.

According to the British the development of North Borneo was too slow. The shortage of labour was acute. In 1920, the British Authority changed the immigration policy and they encouraged Chinese, especially the Hakkas living in the coastal province of Guangdong in China, to come and settle in North Borneo. Thousands of Hakkas took this opportunity to escape the poverty in China. The British Authoruty also gave subsidies to the new settlers. This policy continued until the invasion of the Japanese in 1942. Within these 22 years more than 50,000 new settlers, most of them Hakkas.,
arrived in North Borneo and settled for good. Many of the new arrivals settled in Api and Sandakan.They opened up wasteland and jungles and developed their newly adopted homes into small towns and big towns.

According to the story told by a very old Hakka man, Li Tan Qiu (李譚秋), there were a few Hakkas first arrived in Tenom (丹南) in 1890s. After they had established themselves well in Tenom they sent for their families from Tang Shan (唐山 China). The first Hakka to settle in Tenom was Dai Fa (戴發) who was a worker in the employment of the North Borneo Company building the railway from Api to Tenom. Dai Fa saw the rich and fertile soil in Tenom very suitable for cultivation. So he deicided to settle down in Tenom.

After the completion of the railway, a British company, 文拉納, began to clear the land and started planting rubber trees. The company required labour and more Hakkas and Chinese of other dialects relocated to Tenom. (I possess three photos, in black and white. One was showing the Hakka Chinese driving the cows to pull a huge stone roller to construct a road. One was showing a Hakka woman wearing
the traditional Hakka dress consists of an all-black loose-fitting shirt
and pants "pajamas" (Sumfu), with a distinctive bamboo wide-brimmed hat 涼帽
(Liang Mao), about 2 feet in diameter. The lady was bare-footed carriyng two baskets, one with the provisions and the other with a baby, that swung from the two ends of a shoulder-pole. The third photo was showing the Hakkas selling fruit and vegetables to the train passengers. The women were wearing the "Liang Mao"
and the men the straw big hats (笠帽). They were all wearing straw sandals (草鞋).

In 1912 a Ba Se (巴色) Catholic Church Association was established in Tenom. Chinese classes were conducted by the Association. As there were more and more Chinese settled in Tenom, a Chinese school, "華僑學校 or The Overseas Chinese School" was built. The student population was only about thirty. In 1935 another Chinese school , Zhong Wen Xue Xiao (中文學校) was built near the railway station. The medium instruction of the schools was Guo Yu (國語) or Mandarin. During the Japanese occupation the two schools were closed.

After the war, the Chinese in Tenom decided that the two schools should be merged into one school called Zhong Hua Xue Xiao (中華學校). A Hakka by the name of Wang Liu Jiao (王留嬌) donated a large block of land for a new building for the merged schools. Shortly, the new building was completed. The educational standard of the school was only up to the 6th grade. In 1950 the school extended to the high school level. Before that, student who wanted to study high students had to go to West Malaysia to study. Now they studied at Zhong Hua Xue Xiao.

In 1963 North Borneo became part of the Federation of Malaysia. The Malaysian Government renamed it Sabah and the state capital Jesselton was renamed Kota Kinabula, but to the Chinese it is still Api, the fire city.

According to the 1991 census the total popuation in Sabah was about 1.86 million and the Chinese population was about 218,000 that was 11.7% of the state population. There were about 113,000 Hakkas in Sabah that was 57% of the Chinese population and there were about 28,000 Cantonese which was in second position. Almost all the Chinese in Sabah speak Hakka. You just go nowhere in the Chinese community if you do not speak Hakka.

The followings are the ten Hakka Associations in Sabah.

(1) 亞庇客屬公會 (Api Hakka Association)
(2) 山打根客屬公會 (Sandakan Hakka Association)
(3) 古達客屬公會 (Kudat Hakka Association)
(4) 斗亞蘭客屬公會 (Tuaran Hakka Association)
(5) 吧巴客屬公會 (Papar Hakka Association)
(6) 保佛客屬公會( Beaufort Hakka Association)
(7) 根地咬客屬公會 (Keningau Hakka Association)
(8) 丹南客屬公會 (Tenom Hakka Association)
(9) 斗湖客屬公會 (Tawau Hakka Assopciation)
(10) 那篤客屬公會 (Lahad Datu Hakka Association)

Reference books:

(1) A book on Hakka Chinese in Malaysia
and many magazines
by the Federation of Hakka Associations of Malaysia

(2) History of Malaysia

CHUNG Yoon-Ngan (鄭永元)
All rights reserved 2003

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-3 15:34:04 | 显示全部楼层
The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (4)
Author: CHUNG Yoon-Ngan
Date:   04-04-03 09:43

The Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia (4)

Before Second World War Sandakan was the capital of Sabah (British North Borneo). Business was flourishing (商業繁盛) and so was the convenience of communication (交通便利). After the war the British Colonial Authorities shifted
the capital of British North Borneo to Api (Jesselton), now Kotal Kinabalu.
Sandakan is still a prosperous town.

The most famous Hakka in Sandakan was Lin Wencheng (林文澄), who was originally from Long Hua village (龍華鄉), Bao An county (寶安縣) in the province
of Guangdong (廣東省). He wrote the maxim "客屬人和會館" . Lin Wecheng was not only a scholar and the best known calligraghy in Sandakan, he was also a very properous entrepreneur, who owned a shipping comapny called Guang Lian Sheng
(廣聯盛號) which transported goods to and from Sandakan. Pioneer Lin also had
wholesale businesses in tobacco and wine.

Another famous Hakka in Sandakan, who was originally from the same village as
Mr Lin Wencheng was Zhou Zhenxiang (周振祥) who also owned a lumbering company. Zhou Zhenxiang, the timber tycoon, was very keen in giving the Chinese children a Chinese education. He singlehandedly built a few Chinese schools.

Other than Lin and Zhou there were others famous Hakka in Sandakan, like
Liao Jin (廖金), Yu Yugui (宇玉奎), both were from Dongguan county (東莞縣),
Zhong Jingfan (鐘景潘), Zhang Daye (張大業), Zhong Meiguang (鐘梅光)
and many others.

After the war the most famous entrepreneur was Wei Yagui (魏亞貴), a
Dongguan Hakka, who was the Lord Mayor of the City Council of Sandakan. After the formation of Malaysia, Lord Mayor Wei was the first Hakka in Sandakan to be elected as the Federal Member of Parliament of Malaysia. He was one of the founders of the Yu Yuan Chinese High School (育源中學) in Sandakan. The
bridge of about 300 feet from the City Hall to the school was built by my
childhood friend, from Pusing, Wong Konnam (黃官南) who was a consultant
civil engineer in Sandakan from 1966 to 1969. Kon Nan also built the first 80
miles of the high way from Sandakan to Api. Originally there was no road linking
from Sandakan to Api. Now it requires only about four hours drive from Sandakan
to Api. The road to the Airport, which is about 5 kilometers west of Sandakan, was
also constructed by my friend Kon Nam, whom I mentioned in my post "When we were kids" somewhere in the Forum

Other famous Hakkas in Sandakan are:
Datuk Lai Fu Jin (拿督賴福金)
Datul Wei De Lai (拿督魏德來), son of Wei Ya Gui
Datuk Zhang Fu Tian (拿督張福田)
Wei De Ming (魏德明), son of Wei ya Gui
Mr Chen Yong Liang (陳用良先生), a Chinese scholar

Datuk Luo Si Ren (拿督羅思仁), who was the former Chief Minister of Sabah,
was the son of Mr Luo Fu (羅富) who was originally from Long Chuan (龍川) in
Guangdong province. In 1964 Datuk Luo was the Federal Cabinet Minister
Without Profolio. He was the first Sabahan Federal Minister.

Datuk Ye Bo Liang (拿督葉伯良), a Sandakan Hakka, is the Sabah State
Minister for Manpowerand Enviroment. Another well known Sandakan Hakka is Tan Ye Cheng (譚業成) who is currently a member of the State Assembly of Sabah.
Datuk Wei De Rong (魏德榮 grandson of Wei Ya Gui?) is the current president of
the Hakka Association of Sandakan.

CHUNG Yoon-Ngan (鄭永元)

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发表于 2006-5-4 16:20:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-5-10 18:41:12 | 显示全部楼层
日期:03-03-03 19:05
在沙巴州,每天中午12:45分,当你打开收音机,调到马来西亚频道你会听到:今那由某某報告客家新聞 ,然后你将听到客家话新闻


1.太平天国(公元1851 to 1864)的残余逃离中国来到沙巴州谋生(经过北婆罗州)。
3.1882年Walter Medhurst爵士代表北婆罗州公司到中国招募客家劳工。


金田崛起奮同仇﹐=Jintian jue qi fen tong chou,
嘆息英雄志末酬﹔=Tan xi ying xiong zhi mo chou;

又見腥羶渺無際﹐=You jian xing shan miao wu ji,
秦淮嗚咽水空流。=Qinhuai wu ye shui kong liu.



公元1864年1月,Charles George Gordon将军,常胜军的总司令,协助清政府击败太平天国军队。2月, 清朝将军左宗棠占领杭州。天王洪秀全服毒自杀,16岁的圣子洪福瑱继位。7月,清军在曾國藩的弟弟曾國荃的指挥下,占领了神圣的天京。大约300000人投降清军,洪福瑱带领残余力量逃向南方。8月,幼天王在江西省南昌市被清军俘虏,随后被分尸处死。太平天国从此结束。


Han Suyin博士写了一本书《残废的树》:

[ Last edited by 深山不出头 on 2006-5-12 at 10:52 ]
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发表于 2006-5-10 18:43:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-5-12 10:34:03 | 显示全部楼层
日期:04-02-03 00:11









这个岛住着10万土人,土地非常肥沃,但覆盖着浓密的森林。岛上的土人由以下组成:Kadazans, farmers, Muruts, blowpipe hunters, Bajaus, sea gypsies, Illanuns, pirates 和 马来人,这个曾经统治整个加里曼丹岛的文莱苏丹马来人的后代。

[ Last edited by 深山不出头 on 2006-5-12 at 10:49 ]
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发表于 2007-1-5 22:21:58 | 显示全部楼层

Tip of Borneo tour, 在這個美麗的海灘不遠的海中有一艘中國古代的沈船。


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发表于 2007-2-12 20:43:27 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 深山不出头 的帖子

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发表于 2007-2-12 20:45:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 文武氏 于 2007-1-5 22:21 发表

Tip of Borneo tour, 在這個美麗的海灘不遠的海中有一艘中國古代的沈船。

ht ...

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发表于 2007-2-13 07:19:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 山谷围 于 2007-2-12 20:45 发表


是的,应该是“沉船”。在那个時代的交通不方便,船又沉了,想轉唐山都難啦 。 據說,那个海灘是最早到沙巴洲的客家人在那裏上岸 。
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发表于 2007-2-14 05:56:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-2-22 21:46:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #12 文武氏 的帖子

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发表于 2008-1-2 23:14:38 | 显示全部楼层


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