Lu Chin Ming and Chiang Yun Yu Founded the Taiwan Hakka Folk Song Chorus in October 1991 in recognition of the fact that traditional Hakka folk songs are easy to understand, yet lack the artistic quality to get accepted by the younger generation. There had been no formal institution devoted to the promotion and research of Hakka folk songs before this. The Chorus is devoted to collecting and performing Hakka folk songs, While exploring different indigenous folk tunes, composing new songs, and attempting to enhance the postures of the performers on the stage. By doing so, the Chorus aims at preserving the Hakka Musical culture, promoting Hakka folk music, and enriching the presentation of Hakka folk songs. The ultimate goal is to elevate Hakka folk music beyond its colloquial presence to a state where it may be experienced and appreciated by people from all walks of life.
姜雲玉 2003 4 30
A word from the founder :
What is the concept of art?In my opinion, art is the persistence toward aesthetics. Art is also the sincere and successive effort toward achieving that goal.
For the past ten or more years, the Taiwan Hakka folk song chorus has traveled to numerous places to perform Hakka folk songs, including big cities, small towns, and Mainland China. By articulating our appreciation and love toward the Hakka community through our rendition of beautiful Hakka folk songs, our performance has deeply touched many Hakka communities across the Strait.
Our persistence in promoting the wonderful Hakka tradition by preserving traditional folk songs has been recognized and supported by the Hakka community. Meanwhile, our efforts to enrich the Hakka folk music have drawn wide attention and won excellent praise from the public. However, we are not stopping at this point. Keeping our gratitude and reminiscence of the Hakka community in mind, the Chorus is determined to keep working hard toward this goal. Based upon our previous efforts, we believe that we have already created a new facet through which to appreciate Hakka folk music, emphasizing making the Hakka music more refined, artistic, easy to understand, and widely accepted by people from all walks of life. By including new elements and demonstrating the prosperity and multiplicity of the Hakka culture, the Chorus attempts to improve Hakka folk music, enrich the culture in Taiwan, and further share this melody with the global community.
The Chorus is not only a professional troupe, but also a training ground for developing performers. With practice and patience, we believe that there performers will turn out to be seasoned professionals. We appreciate every single person that has been assisting the Chorus in various ways in the past. Your input has resulted in this great accomplishment in Taiwan music history,and we would like to share this outcome with you. We wish for your continued support and comments as before. Thanks a million at last.
團 長: 姜 雲 玉 藝術總監: 呂 錦 明
固定練唱時間: 每週一晚間七時至九時三十分
練唱地點: 台北市紹興北街10號地下室 (善導寺捷運站6號出口)
聯絡電話:呂錦明 02-24221662 0921-831-177 姜雲玉 0935-668-751
通訊地址: 臺北市仁愛路4段345巷4弄39號4 樓
E-mail: acyun@ms45.hinet.net
网站:http://www.hakkaworld.com.tw/twhakka-chorus |