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发表于 2003-5-13 04:27:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
孔迈隆(Myron L. Cohen)博士,现任美国哥伦比亚大学人类学系教授,是美国著名的中国研究专家。他早年研究台湾汉人社会,在台湾南部美浓地区从事田野调查,写有专著一本及论文多篇。以下是他讨论客家的论著目录。

1968. "The Hakka or 'Guest People': Dialect as a Sociocultural Variable in Southeastern China." Ethnohistory 15.3.

1976. House United, House Divided: The Chinese Family in Taiwan. New York: Columbia University Press.

1978. "Family Partition as Contractual Procedure in Taiwan: A Case Study from South Taiwan." In David C. Buxbaum, ed., Chinese Family Law and Social Change in Historical and Comparative Perspective (Seattle: University of Washington Press).

1981. "Kinship and Cooperation in a Chinese Setting: Labor Exchange in Mei-nung, Taiwan." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sinology, Section on Folklore and Culture (Taipei: Academia Sinica).

1993. "Shared Beliefs: Corporation, Community and Religion among the South Taiwan Hakka during Ch'ing." Late Imperial China 14.1.

2001. "Management in Minong during the Qing." In 王秋桂、庄英章、陈中民主编:《社会、民族与文化展演国际研讨会论文集》(台北:汉学研究中心),上册。

2002. "Commodity Creation in Late Imperial China: Corporations, Shares, and Contracts in One Rural Community." In David Nugent, ed., Locating Capitalism in Time and Space: Global Restructuring, Polities, and Identity (Stanford: Stanford University Press).

[ 本帖由 wanderinggod 于 2003-10-18 01:38 最后编辑 ]

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