寄件者 : Jos <joskhoo@yahoo.com>
日期 : 2005年5月27日 4:26:24
收件者 : yan
主旨 : Re: Thank you
Dear Yan,
Sorry for the late reply as I have been kind of busy lately. Hope you won't mind that I wrote to you in english as my mandarin isn't that good.
I would like to thank you for being so kind and helpful as to have pasted my request onto your hakkaonline .com.
I've received a few emails from kind hearted friends from wuhua and one of them is living & staying right in meilin province, giving me some idea of the locality of the province I seeking. It's a small village though but I'm glad to be able to find out. I'm looking towards of making a tour trip to meizhou city, hopefully to drop by to this little county village, visiting the relatives and so on.....
Had it not been you & your forum, I would not be able to find out and once again, thank you very much for your kindness and helpfulness.
Please say thank you to all helpful concern friends in your forum as well.