淡水有条文化街 (1)
a street brims over with Chinese traditional culture
There are several galleries (or some of them, meanly shops dealing with traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting) in Wanshun Road, such as Jinyi, Shuiyuan, Guangqi, Qishan and Lixin etc. which endows the 300-meters long street with culture showplace in this city. The business ranges from paintings to frame mounting and paperhanging, or even prentice training. Some give prominence to landscape paintings such as Shuiyuan and Lixin, some major in fine arts such as Guangqi and Qishan. Each of the owners possesses some professional skills in certain aspect. As a usual the dominating décor in their shops would be their self-satisfied works.
画廊是万顺一路的闪光点,在不到三百米的一条小街就有金艺画廊框业、随缘书画社、广琦画廊、琦山美术社和立新画廊等多家画廊。画廊的经营范围很广,包括各种高中低档油画、国画、书法、肖像画、相框、画框、证照框,同时也装裱字画,授徒培训等等。各家同中有异,随缘、立新的山水画居多,金艺是框条加工大户,广琦、琦山以工艺画为主。各家画廊的老板在书画艺术方面均有一技之长,个别甚至造旨精深。他们在经营过程中,往往邀友挥毫,店中显眼处能见到他们各自的得意之作。 |