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Your comments please - Luo Last Name

发表于 2002-8-10 12:35:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sorry I have to use English, I have no Chinese writing pad with me for input at this moment.

Any comments on the following reply to Asiawind Chinese Hakka Forum:

Re: Seeking help 2 - Luo Surname
Author: namlow (202.135.223.---)
Date:   08-09-02 23:14

In China, Luo are populated mostly in HeNan, HuNan, JiangXi, GuangDong and Western FuJian provinces.

Originated from GuangZhou is not enough to trace your generation name.
There are many branches derived from the Fire Lord, the first generation. We have a list of 60 generations from this very first generation record. Then another list of 41 generations is also recorded. Many Hakkas derived from the 2nd list. My generation record picks up somewhere from the second list and that was about 750 years ago. To locate the migration path of beyond ShiBi from JiangXi province is a challenge for me. Right now we can trace back to a village near Yong Ding county of Western FuJian province. From ShiBi to Yong Ding is straight forward, that is following the Tin Jiang, we moved southwards. I am looking for means to trace beyond ShiBi. Maybe by the trace of DaBu dialects and JiangXi dialects, we may locate the path.

Many Cantonese near GuangZhou area share my last name Luo too. So, are you Hakka or Cantonese?

In Singapore, there is a Luo Clan. Your first step is to seek help from them first.

Nam Low

[ 本帖由 namlow 于 2002-8-10 12:36 最后编辑 ]

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发表于 2002-8-10 14:18:51 | 显示全部楼层

RE:Your comments please - Luo Last Name

  姓氏的比例在不同族群中是不同的,比如福建闽语区有 陈林半天下 的说法,是说闽语区的人姓陈林的占了大部分.潮汕来自福建,是说:陈林蔡,天下各一半.

凭印象: 客家姓氏常见者:黄王温丘徐刘李赖张林钟罗古谢潘汤江廖杨巫何卢叶范胡游房严阙孔兰蓝朱周邓陈董.........


但是很难说,某个姓氏只见于客家.....比如 罗姓,似乎各地都有.
[ 本帖由 yanxiuhong9 于 2002-8-12 11:25 最后编辑 ]
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发表于 2002-8-11 15:56:14 | 显示全部楼层

RE:Your comments please - Luo Last Name

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