大意是,有一位曾经主持过北美多伦多2000客家会议的先生,想了解世界客家恳亲会的一些进展,希望与这次会议组织者联系,请懂得英文的赣州的组织者先生/女士与这位朋友联系,因为这位多伦多会议的主持者来自牙买加的客家华侨,可是他不会中文。S.L.Lee先生同意我把此信在论坛发表。愿意帮忙的朋友在此留下 联系的办法,或者写短消息给我。
Yan Xiu Hong,
Keith Lowe is organizing a Hakka Conference in Dec 2004 held at Toronto. He
would like to have more information about the Ganzhou (Ganxian) World Hakka
Conference. He is a Jamaica huaqiao and does not speak Chinese. But he has
been instrumental in putting the first Hakka World Conference in Toronto
successfully in 2000.
Do you know anyone at this Ganzhou Conference that can communicate with him
in English? I am including his request as follows.
Can you give me the address and e-mail of Mr. Nurdin Purdono or any one
else who is directing the World Hakka Conference? As I told you in a
previous e-mail, he and his colleagues are not members of our organizing
committee for the Toronto Hakka Conference.
I would very much like to connect with them, to support them and get
some support for the Toronto Hakka Conference. In fact, one of the
reasons for holding our Toronto conference in December is that they were
holding the World Conference in November.
Part of the problem in connecting is that we operate in English, while I
believe they operate in Chinese. (I myself do not speak or read
Chinese/Hakka.) Our big challenge is to sustain and develop Hakka
culture in the modern global environment.
Keith Lowe
SL Lee
Asiawind Hakka Forum
S. L . Le" :
"Keith Low" :
<icainc@sympatico.ca> |