发表于 2004-12-15 12:33:53
國家圖書館索書號: 系統編號: 92NTPU0548002
出版年: 民93
研究生: 張昀浚 Chang Yun-Chun
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論文名稱: 臺灣民間風水傳說研究
論文名稱: A Study of the Feng-Shui Folklore in Taiwan
指導教授: 鄭志明 Cheng Chih-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立台北大學
系所名稱: 民俗藝術研究所
學號: 79188001
學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 165
關鍵字: 風水傳說 Feng-Shui Folklore
風水 Feng-Shui
天人感應 the inductance between
man and nature
祖先崇拜 ancestor worship
命運觀 determinism
The study exclusively includes the collection of Feng-Shui folklore in Taiwan
society, and catalogs the folk stories basing on the plots, deeply
investigating the contents, which reflect the Feng-Shui culture inside
Taiwanese people, trying to explain what kind of effect of these stories may
have to the life style and traditional customs, and expecting through this
kind of model analysis, we can convey the value of life and culture conceptions
of Taiwanese .
The usage of research documents is mainly based on the documents of the
culture bureau of the countries in Taiwan and the stories studied by the
researchers as well as the data of the period of Japanese colony to be as the
reference sources. To begin with, the stories which we study include the
concepts of Feng-Shui and its manipulation methods, emphasizing the impact of
Feng-Shui, On the other hand, about the house, the geological environment of
the village, the temples’ location of village, the private architectures’
effects on people’s ups and downs, last but not least, on the aspect of tomb,
which have a profound influence on offspring’s fate that local people believe
is true are all carefully analyzed and explored .
My study method is to collect the folklore anthology published by the counties
and the documents of Japanese colony period and the related local journals,
from which we try to figure out the connections between the related folks and
to sort out the stories base on their original location, and explore the
contents of the classified stories to make a deep discussion. Through the
conception and theorem of folklore, anthropology, psychology and religions, we
try to analyze and understand the desires and thoughts, displayed by the folk
customs, which deep inside the common people,.
The catalog and arrangement of the folklore in the chapter Two, that is
cataloged by the concept of the “motif”of the folk-tale, by this assumption
we develop the “motif” model of the Feng-Shui folklore. From these plots, we
try to discuss the social background and the value of culture behind the
stories. In the Chapter Three, by the methodology and theorem of the
traditional Chinese cosmology, religion and cultural anthropology, we would
like to inspect if this kind of story through different levels of the
inductance between man and nature, ancestor worship or the destiny aspect,
which try to convey the concept of the pursuit of the “ harmony and balance”
and the “sacred space”.
Last, from the above discussion, the Taiwan Feng-Shui folklore is not only
full of diversity and abundance, but also is the total life memory collection
of the village residents. Our ancestors use the concept of the Feng-Shui to
express the surroundings, and even through this concept to transmit the sense
of morality, the cosmic view to form the social regulations, thereby
influencing the common people’s daily life behaviors and their living
第一章 導論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 4
第三節 文獻回顧 6
第四節 研究理論和方法 16
第五節 研究架構 21
第二章 台灣民間風水傳說的搜集分類和情節內容之探討
第一節 風水傳說的搜集與分類 23
第二節 聚落與寺廟風水傳說 36
第三節 墳墓風水傳說 56
第四節 福地福人居的風水傳說 64
第五節 工匠魘勝傳說及其他風水傳說 68
第三章 台灣民間風水傳說的思想內涵
第一節 民間風水觀念的基本內涵 73
第二節 風水傳說的天人感應思想 96
第三節 風水傳說的祖先崇拜觀念 103
第四節 風水傳說的命運觀念 110
第四章 台灣民間風水傳說的社會功能
第一節 慎終追遠 115
第二節 道德教化 124
第三節 安居樂業 130
第五章 結論 141
附錄一 台北士林芝山巖惠濟宮的「芝山合約碑記」 146
附錄二 新竹芎林廣福宮的「嚴禁斬鑿龍脈碑記」 148
附錄三 桃園大溪福仁宮的「嚴禁破壞龍脈碑記」 150 |