Live online show (free) for the coming Chinese New Year Celebration:
Hakka new year show in zoom; Malaysia Time 10 am Sunday, Toronto Time 9 pm Saturday.Link:
Or log on to Zoom ID: 841 7445 2482 Passcode: 3131”
From Keith Lowe: “Year of the Tiger is just round the corner, and the deadline of the 31st World Hakka Conference is also fast approaching. To celebrate the Spring Festival and to show their support to the WHC, the Hakka motherland, Shanghang county in Fujian Province of China, is producing a special WHC Spring Festival Performance. The show will be broadcasted live from China, Canada and USA. It is a high quality of Hakka culture and music performance that shouldn't be missed. Program menu is attached.
Date and time of the show: January 15, Saturday, 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST
Or log on to Zoom ID: 841 7445 2482 Passcode: 3131”