2001 mather tongue
Canada number
Total Population 29,639,035
Single responses1 29,257,885
English 17,352,315
French 6,703,325
Non-official languages 5,202,245
Chinese 853,745
Cantonese 322,315
Mandarin 101,790
Hakka 4,565
Chinese, n.o.s. 425,085
Italian 469,485
German 438,080
Polish 208,375
Spanish 245,495
Portuguese 213,815
Punjabi 271,220
Ukrainian 148,085
Arabic 199,940
Dutch 128,670
Tagalog (Pilipino) 174,060
Greek 120,360
Vietnamese 122,055
Cree 72,885
Inuktitut (Eskimo) 29,010
Other non-official languages 1,506,965
Multiple responses2 381,145
English and French 112,575
English and non-official language 219,860
French and non-official language 38,630
English, French and non-official language 10,085
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of population.
Last modified: January 20, 2003. |