【英文标题】The Relationship between the Buildings of Powerful Families, Fortress Inhabitation(坞
堡)in the Central Plains During Han, Wei, Jin and Northern Dynasties, and the Hakka' Private Res
Φ Pri
(History Department of Beijing Nornal University, Beijing)
【英文摘要】The Hakkas' private Φ private as one part of the Han national systems, owns two fundamental characteristics. The social oneis that they inhabited a region as patriarchal clans, and the second feature is embodied in their enclosing, stockade surrounding fortressesstyle edifices that functioned as a sturdy and tight defence. The former was originated from the institutions of compact clan inhabitationand the style of fortress inhabitation(坞堡)among the aristocratic
and powerful families in the Central Plains during the Han,Wei, Jin and the Northem dynasties. Those two forms of residency institutions in the Central Plains, integrated with the urgent needsto survive and develop after their Migration to the South, gradually formed the Hakka' distinctive residency paragon. Both of the twofundamental characteristics of Hakka's private residency are indispensable and supplemental to each other, and they have played a keyrole during the course of the Hakka pedigree taking into shape. It is possible for any migrants from the North to be transformed as amember of the Hakkas, as long as he adopts such residency pattern. Otherwise, those North migrants in a later time could not beassimilated and turned into Hakkas if they deny and refuse to take this style.
【关 键 词】汉魏晋北朝/大宅/坞堡
Han/Wei/Jin and Northern dynasties/grand buildings of powerful families/fortress inhabitation