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[转帖] 浪漫客家人-Joseph Tsang Mang Kin 的三十首诗集:愛與不愛

发表于 2018-1-3 15:15:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
For Sure it's lunacy :  The fourth in the To Love Or  Not To Love  sequence. So here lets carry on with love poetry here:
4. For sure it’s lunacy
For sure it’s lunacy to shout her name
All around, to the moon, the stars, the sun,
The world that will not care having suffered
Such monologues trillions of times before.

But now I dabble in magic: Just see!
I say her name, she’s there: I hold her hand.
Or when I go to sleep I know we’ll meet
We have nightly appointments in our dreams.

No one's aware nor will believe: We live
In Faeryland where we clasp each other
To keep her on earth and me in heaven.

So now I know but others fail to see:
Shouting her name cannot be lunacy.
It makes dreaming and waking the same thing.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-3 15:21:06 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

first two from a sequence by the same name TO LOVE OR NOT TO LOVE,  which contains some thirty sonnets that narrates a love story.  
To love or not to love, that’s the question.
Whether it’s wiser to blanket my ears
To the counsel of well-wishers, persist
Defiant, unfettered, unembarrassed
By censure, bad-mouthing or ridicule
And come what may, only to be with her.

Or lure my mind away from my folly
A desperate choice as she operates
So deep inside the core of my system
That to attempt to remove her image
Would like a sharp power interruption
Cause the life disc of both of us to crash.

To love or not to love, there’s no answer.
It’s chemistry without a formula.

I think of you, I dream of you, I pine.
My mind seems blown into millions of stars
Each mirroring an image of your face,
Each reflecting an echo of your voice.

And I wonder, how dare I, oh dear me!
Be so infatuated with that lady?
And silencing my brain, I hear my heart
Tapping: why blame yourself? It’s her! It’s her!

It’s you indeed, beauty, not so guileless
That hypnotized and stung and paralysed
And trapped your not so blameless, willing prey.

It’s you indeed like a filmstrip never
-ending that froze the gazer in a daze.
It’s you the culprit for it’s you the muse.
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-3 15:25:43 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

You did not choose to be my muse, that’s true
Nor did I choose that you be mine, we know.
It just happened, innocent butterfly,
That as you roamed unwittingly nearby
Fluttering over love’s magnetic field
The trap snapped, you were sucked in, unknowing.

Who blames the poet who captures his muse?
Now as I turned around, I discovered
Glued to the web, obsessed, possessed,
I had all lost: my nights, my sense, my wit,
Indeed the prey, it was not you but me.
Who mourns the poet captured by his muse?

Love is a stage indeed where the actors
Exchange their parts in an unwritten play.
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-4 19:29:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
namlow 发表于 2018-1-3 15:25


I did not mean to harm but to worship
I dream… I dreamt but it was all folly.
O forgive me for wishing to have you
With me riding comets to wonderland
Or probing ocean depths of ecstasy.
O forgive, dearest dream, stay where you are!

I dreamt a while but it’s hard not to dream,
For to dream is to love, also to live
And to love is to live up to one’s dream.
That would mean turning your world upside down
So now my voice won't try to incommode
Or lure you out of your tranquil cocoon.

And as I turned my back to walk away
You just woke up and said you were no dream.
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发表于 2018-1-5 11:45:45 | 显示全部楼层
And as I turned my back to walk away
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发表于 2018-1-5 11:51:52 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 22:07:20 | 显示全部楼层
18. I cannot understand
I cannot understand why wise adults
Build dams to keep the surge of love away
Or say passion will only lead astray
Taint a career or a reputation.
They have not heard what the youths have to say:
There is no time limit, no, not for love.

With you I am a born-again lover.
Obsessive, fidgety and on the go
Impatient to soar to the loftiest peaks,
Ready to plunge to the deepest sea floor,
Should you be there, to grab you there, and say
The world begins today, all over, now.

Love naps as teenage blooms into ripe age
But a sweet sting will make it flash and bolt.
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 22:07:58 | 显示全部楼层
Each time her name glitters on the mobile
With the numbers matching the lucky draw
My heart leaps up and I smile to myself
Like the happy guy who wins the loto.

She's right to rouse from his slumber the teen
Dreaming decades away for the phone call
Scarcely guessing that the craze will make him
Pensive, nervous, jubilant, neurotic.

How come one face, one voice amidst thousands
Should wield such power to delight or torture?
But while we soak in sludge or dance midair
Others don’t see, don’t care or seem amused.

This thing called love that make people insane
Does not make sense, it must be sorcery!
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 22:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
8. So many things
So many things stand in the way, you say
Hoping reason will disrupt the marvel,
So you try to deny fate’s pronouncement
A unique conjunction of differences.
For the poetry that both of us can write,
Vaunts the triumph of love over logic.

So many things direct our paths, I say
To orchestrate our days for wild ballads.
We were not made to follow blind routine
And disperse like dead leaves in the bleak wind.
Why can’t we walk under a dome of fire?
Or ride rainbows like wild roller coasters?

When singled out by fate to ride comets,
Why get stuck in the muck of dreary days.
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