劉榮昌 shared Mets Taiwan Day/ 紐約大都會台灣日's photo.
11 hrs ·

[url=https://www.facebook.com/MetsTaiwanDay/photos/a.122237621240442.22139.122018821262322/648732041924328/?type=1&fref=nf]Mets Taiwan Day/ 紐約大都會台灣日
This year we are thrilled to invite the 劉阿昌&打幫你樂團DaBangNi to perform at Mets Plaza and on-field before the game! The DaBangNi Group is a traditional Taiwanese Hakka band directed by “A-Chang” Liu, the group have won numerous music awards and 1st place winner of the Hakka music contest. Come to Citi Field on 8/14 and celebrate the Taiwan Heritage Night with us! 今年的大都會台灣日很”客家”! 主辦單位很榮幸的邀請到來自台灣的”打幫你”樂團, 在花旗球場為大家現場演出! 打幫你樂團致力於傳統音樂元素與現代流行音樂的交融,樂團演出以自創客家流行歌、傳統台語老歌以及各類台灣歌謠為主,曾入圍金曲獎,並且多次獲得行政院母語原創比賽首獎。請大家告訴大家,8/14 我們大都會花旗球場見!