本帖最后由 namlow 于 2015-4-9 07:34 编辑
Video presentation by Dr. Keith Lowe,
a 23rd generation member of the Lowe clan
Dunshang (Little Hill) is a weilongwu (dragon-backed earth villa) founded by the 7th generation of the Lowe or Luo clan. It is located in Xingning County, the most populous county in the Meixien-Hakka cultural region, to the southwest of Meizhou City.
Video 1 (10 minutes): The Dunshang dwellers are visited by their relatives from Crane Lake New Dwelling, a wufenglu (five-phoenix fortress dwelling) founded by the 16th generation. Crane Lake is located in Fui Yung county, north of Shenzhen City, in the Dungguan-Hakka cultural region. The visitors tour the huge semi-circular compound and its half-moon pond, while clan women invoke the five elements that sustain life. All gather in the family temple to venerate the ancestors, bowing before them with incense offerings. A feast is served, and then the genealogical records are laid out for the visitors to witness.
Video 2 (15 minutes): The New Year is celebrated in Dunshang by residents and relatives from small Luo villages in the area. Elders encourage youth to study hard. There is lion dancing, feasting, speeches, climaxed by the release of fiery balloons into the night sky. Fresh couplets hanging from the walls exhort the residents to live righteously and carry the ancient tradition of the clan into a glorious future.
Video 3 (15 minutes): Dunshang villagers celebrate the Lantern Festival by marching with flags and drums to a market town. Two men with a pole on their shoulders take up a brand new paper lantern, about five-feet high, and they march back to their village led by a tractor from which many strings of firecrackers are tossed. They raise the lantern by pulley to the ceiling of the temple, and then they take small lanterns from the temple to individual dwellings.
Video 4 (10 minutes): A long and solemn ceremony is conducted with chants and prayers led by a learned elder. The eldest male does a series of genuflections as he makes offerings to the ancestors from a huge pile of wrapped gifts. Two other elders support him as he kneels and rises. The other men of the clan stand in generational ranks behind him. Paper prayers are burnt to ashes in urns.
浪漫客家人罗金生Keith Lowe在渥大华的视频講稿-渥大华的半天客家会议 四月十九曰二0一五年
一 十分钟的兴宁围龙屋
二 十五分钟的过新年
三 十五分钟的元宵庆典
四 十分钟的祭祖