雞 1隻 (約3斤) 粗鹽 3斤
紗紙 1張 鍚紙 1張
1. 雞洗淨抹乾,吊起風乾至越乾越好。
2. 將兩隻雞腳從尾部插入肚內,用紗紙包好,以牙籤穿過雞頸及雞尾固定位置,以防紗紙散開。
3. 錫紙裁至較所用的煲為大,鋪於底部。
4. 鑊燒熱,放入粗鹽至黃色。將約1/3粗鹽平均鋪於煲底,放入煲雞隻,將餘下的粗鹽鋪面。蓋煲以慢火焗6分鐘,將雞雙反轉,再焗6分鐘,最後熄焗12分鐘即成。
1. 用瓦煲效果比較好,因焗的過程會令雞隻的皮變脆,而且可以不用錫紙鋪底。
2. 如雞的重量在2斤左右,焗10分鐘已足夠。鹽的分量亦應與雞隻相等。
Translation by YXH:
How to make a salted chicken?
1,one chicken(1.5kgs),1.5kgs of coarse salt
2, a piece of coarse paper
3, a piece pf thin tin paper
4, seasonings like fine salt, ginger, Chinese spring shallot, aniseed, rice wine and sauce i
1. 1, Wash the chicken and drain it with cloth and hang on to air-dry it, the drier the better.
2. Smear some seasonings such as fine salt, ginger, Chinese spring shallot, aniseed, rice wine and sauce into the inside part of the chicken.
3. Put the chicken’s legs into its stomach, wrap it with a coarse paper, and puncture the chicken through the paper with some toothpicks to make sure the paper won’t fall off.
4. Cut the tin paper into the right size as that of a terrine, and put the tin paper at terrine’s bottom.
5. Heat the pot and put the coarse salt into it till it become yellow.
6. Put the 1/3 of the heated salt into the terrine, put the chicken onto the salt, then put the rest 2/3 of heated salt on the chicken.
7. Cover the terrine and cook it with slow fire for 6 minutes, turn the chicken and another cook of 6 minutes.
8. Turn off the fire and wait for 12 minutes.
9. Fetch the well done chicken and tear it into pieces. |