1.糯米若干,浸泡5小时. 2.把水滤去,把浸泡后的糯米倒入饭甑. 3.把饭甑盖好,放到大镬中,大镬底部放水. 4.镬底生火,蒸上2~3个小时,直致米变成软熟的饭粒. 5.把蒸好的饭粒扒松,倒进非常干净的大水缸. 6.水缸内加入少量的干净水. 7.加入适量酒饼[发酵剂,可买到],不同酒药可酿出不同的酒.有的甜,有的浓.甜酒酒药少,浓酒酒药多. 8.把酒缸盖好,冬天等6-8天,夏天等3-4天,香淳的米酒就出来了. 9.这时的酒是生的,要加热.有些则把酒糟用漏斗状的竹编滤器滤出酒,再把酒放到密封的坛子,把坛子放到闷烧的谷糠里加热. 10.有的人把酿好的酒又加到下次酿酒的饭粒上重酿.....最多的我听过是九重酒. 11.米酒也可以浸泡些熟地,党参,当归......等中药,成了药酒. 酿酒过程关键是 干净.杀菌消毒重要,不然可能成醋也. 以上我个人观察的纪录,欢迎增补,批评纠正.....
------------------------------------------------------ 1. 5 kgs of sticky rice,soaked in clean water for 5 hours 2. Sieve the water, put the soaked rice into the wooden barrel. 3. Steam the wooden barrel.in a big iron pot till the rice become soft and eatab le. 4. Put the steamed rice into a sterilized pottery jar and stir the rice till it c ool down Add some 4 kg of cool but boiled water into the jar as well as the minced Jiubing (one ball for 3 kgs of rice,). 5. Cover the jar with clean cloth and wait for 3 days in summer or 6 days in wint er. 6. Filter the Rice wine from the fermented grain mash. Every time get some rice wine and heat it in the tin pot for 15 minutes.