Bon Jovi will play a concert inQuebec City on July 9 at the Festival D'Ete De. The rock band's website says, "Bon Jovi will be performing at Festival d’été de Québec on the plains of Abraham in Quebec city for a full headlining set of all the hits on July 9th 2012."The Festival D'ete is a long running event, and is currently in its 45th year.Presented by Bell Canada in collaboration with Molson Dry and running over five days from July 5 - 15, the fest promises a massive lineup of acts from big international stars to indie outfits.The festival says in a press release "A master stroke - Bon Jovi!The US ambassadors of rock 'n roll come to Quebec City at last for their only show in Canada.Their appearances here are rare;the last show was back in 2001.With a long list of hits to choose from, this concert promises to draw a pumped-up crowd!Also on the bill?Aerosmith,on July 12:........................
《清秀佳人》又譯《紅髮安妮》、《小安妮》、《安妮的故事》,為日本動畫公司製作的世界名作劇場系列第5部動畫作品,自1979年1月7日播至同年1979年12月30日,全50集。原作為加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥馬利的作品《清秀佳人》(Anne of Green Gables)。1991年在台灣中視播映時稱為《小安妮》。1995年無綫電視翡翠台播映時稱為《安妮的故事》。
爱得华王子岛(Prince Edward Island, 简写为PEI)是加拿大最小的省。是加拿大成立联邦时开会所在地(1864年)。以农业,渔业和旅游业为主。最负盛名的景点是PEI国家公园,由4,5个海滩组成。
If you're anything like Anne, you’re probably very curious. And if you’re curious about Anne, you’ve come to the right place. Filled with information on the Anne of Green Gables books, the author L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s home of Prince Edward Island, and anything related to the world of Avonlea, this website will make you an Anne expert faster than you can say "Green Gables!"
露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery,1874~1942),享誉世界的加拿大女作家。《绿山墙的安妮》(Anne of Green Gables)是她的成名作,自1908年出版后随即畅销至今,被誉为“世界上最甜蜜的少女成长故事”。该小说大获成功后,蒙哥马利应出版社之邀,又写了七部以安妮为主角的小说,不过成就最高的还是《绿山墙的安妮》。该小说先后被译成五十多种文字,在全世界广泛流传,是一部世界公认的文学经典佳作,连暮年的马克·吐温也称安妮是除爱丽丝外最令自己感动和喜爱的儿童形象。受本书的影响,每年都有数以万计的外国游客慕名前往加拿大爱德华王子岛探访安妮的足迹。