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发表于 2006-9-15 14:05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A Study of the Promotion and Development of Hakka Culture


摘 要



我们该如何挽救才能让客家文化有信心的发展下去 我们该如何唤起所有客家人的危机意识 大家觉醒,勇敢的站出来,为挽救客家的文化共同努力奋斗.未来,我们又要朝什麼方向走,才能使客家文化找到康庄大道及生存的空间,使其得以存活下去.唯有民间和政府共同努力,客家文化才能保存,传承与永续发展下去,危机的客家文化,或可出现转机,那是客家之福,也是文化之光,尤其客家族群,更应把握契机自救才能救人.这些都是本文探讨的宗旨


A Study of the Promotion and Development of Hakka Culture
Min-kuang Chang
Mlai-Li Area Research Center
National United University

"Hakka" is an ethnic group who have been wandering for a long time, making their home wherever they went. After a thousand years of settlement and migration, they are still "hard-necked", adhering to their language and culture, no matter how precarious and inclement the new environment is. The Hakka people are the backbone in Taiwan's diversified culture, with Hakka culture as a unique cultural system. Hakka culture shows distinct characteristics in comparison with that of other peoples in Chinese history.

The Hakka culture and language are not only the Hakka people's precious assets, but they also add to the national treasures of Taiwan. The changes in the social structure in Taiwan over a long period of time have greatly affected the Hakka culture. The mighty mass media and the powerful promotion of Mandarin Chinese teaching have impacted the culture adversely. Because of this attack on the political, social, educational as well as mass communication fronts Hakka culture is gradually losing any space for existence and hardly preserve. Currently, the Hakka people are facing a crisis heading for "ethnic doom." The waning of the Hakka culture means the decline and fall of the Hakka people. In the case of a disappearing the Hakka culture, it shall be hardly sustained, resulting in the annihilation of the ethnic group. Therefore, the crisis of the Hakka culture signifies a crisis for the Hakka people. So they should have a mind to invigorate the culture call for an awakening of all Hakka people to stand up to save their own culture.

How can the confidence in its continued existence be boosted How can the Hakka awareness of the crisis be awakened All Hakka people shall stand up and be counted in the battle for their identity. The mission for the Hakka people is do their best for the promotion and development for Hakka Culture, and for the sake of a long-term life for the Hakka culture, the cooperation between people and government is necessary and indispensable. It is encouraging and grateful to the Hakka people that the Hakka culture in crisis should have a turning point. The Hakka people in particular should, however, at their critical point in time help themselves before helping others. There are to be some forward marches to enable the Hakka culture to find its position, its space for existence and to make it survive for generations. These are the issues explored in this paper.

Key Words: Rights of Culture, Hakka Crisis, Renaissance of Hakka Culture and Arts, Cultural Heritage,Dialect Islands


Hakka is one of the unique cultures that make up Taiwan's diverse society. Hakka dialect, residence, folklore, art, and Hakka females' dispositions show distinct characteristics in comparison with that of other peoples in Chinese history. Hakka people make up 18% of Taiwan's total population. They have long been guided by traditions and spirits that help them achieve outstanding performance in social, political and economic areas (Note 1). The major predicament for Hakka people, however, is the issue concerning the heritage of Hakka culture. Summoning Hakka people's centripetal force, awakening to Hakka people's self-recognition, and launching active promotion of preservation and development for Hakka culture are the central issues to call that need attention.

Hakka culture and language are not only Hakka people's precious assets, but also the most plentiful treasures in Taiwan. Despite being underestimated and ignored in the past, Hakka culture has never given up the soil of Taiwan. The heritage of Hakka culture prioritizes in encouraging Hakka people to recognize the cultural assets left by their ancestors, while common issues on culture and language faced by Hakka people are also the center of attention. Family would be the initial point for promotion of Hakka culture and language, thus further enhancing its exchange with others amid Taiwan's diversified cultures at the hope of making Chinese cultures more plentiful.

Each people shall preserve, own and develop their own languages and cultures. In promoting Hakka culture, Hakka people shall be encouraged to speak their mother tongue proudly. The disadvantage of Hakka culture can be presented particularly in the aspect of language application. As language is the vector of culture, solutions to issues of Hakka language shall be a priority, thus making Hakka culture accessible for the generations to come. Another predicament for Hakka culture is that the majority of Hakka people are living in "recessive" existence except for those in traditional Hakka areas. This recessive existence results in a lack of communication among the people.

In terms of conducting in-depth preservation, research, promotion and development to rebuild the heritage system for Hakka culture, the priority is to eliminate the hindrance for recognition, i.e. diminishing the degree of superiority and inferiority as well as difference in the aspect of "Mandarin" vs. "Dialect"; secondly, extend the contact point of Hakka culture with the society and increase the society's understanding over the Hakka culture, thus giving Hakka people a sense of respect and acceptability as well enabling them to have a sense of showing no deference in front of other peoples that make the mechanism of cultural heritage run and produce the function of continuing the cultures of ethnic group.

The extermination of assets of civilization or cultures on the earth is the human being's common loss, and the rapid haemorrhage of Hakka language and culture is a care-ridden issue. Hakka language has been declining 5% annually. That poses a great threat to the preservation of Hakka culture. What is so called "The end of mother tongue denotes the extermination of culture" (Note 2), there would be no culture if language was lost. Culture is the foundation of one ethnic group and nationality. The government shall work with the civic organizations to help the preservation, heritage and sustainable development of Hakka culture.

II,Crisis of Hakka Culture

Prior to delving into the preservation, heritage and sustainable development for Hakka culture, we shall first make an understanding of causes that would result in the crisis for Haka culture. These causes are:

1,Concealment of Identity

Even though there is a considerable Hakka population in Taiwan, Hakka people are still disadvantaged in political and economic aspects. To adapt themselves, Hakka people always conceal their language and culture by learning from the two advantaged ethnic groups to avoid prejudice which affects their survival and development. Over a long period of time, many Hakka people forget their mother tongue and culture, and would even neglect their real Hakka identity for generations. We would be surprised and can always find that some among our friends who speak fluent Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese (Min Nan dialect) are even Hakka people. This fact indicates that excellent talent in Hakka language is not a pride, but a woe for Hakka people - a warning sign of rapid disappearance for one ethnic group! It is true that more Hakka people would conceal themselves in some advantaged ethnic groups gradually when they would conceal their true identity and seal their mother tongue, but change to wear the advantaged ethnic group's mask to seek equal opportunity in the society.

At the time when Hakka people are gradually becoming an invisible ethnic group, Hakka culture is declining rapidly. In response to this situation, the survival and development for Hakka people's lifeline is presently challenged. In view of having awareness from those Hakka people who have sensed this impending crisis, there have emerged movements such as "Give Me Back my Mother Tongue" and cultural reconstruction (Note 3) launched in 1987 that awakens Hakka people's ethnic awareness as well as ushers the turning point for renaissance of Hakka language and culture.

We expect Hakka people's recognition of their true identity by promoting the speaking of Hakka language in the near future. Thus, the tenacious Hakka ethnic group would never be an invisible group, but one which shines in the diversified society.

2,The Disappearance of Hakka Language

There would be no culture if language was lost, and one ethnic group or nationality would be exterminated if the culture was lost (Note 4). According to one civic survey, more than 40% population of Hakka people under 30 cannot speak the Hakka language, indicating a disconnection over the preservation of Hakka language. According to Hakka archives, Hakka was one of the ethnic groups of the Han people in the Central Plains of China. The then political factors caused Hakka people's constant southward migration in wars for more than 1600 years in the Eastern Tsin Dynasty. They finally settled in the mountainous area of southern China. As Hakka people's ancestors had fought all their lives for survival, they cultivated a "stiff neck" spirit of endurance of hardship, firmness and unyieldingness. This culture of ancient origin and long development, however, is in danger of disappearing because of the decadence of language that might result in the cultural assimilation. There are four million Hakka people in Taiwan, that makes it the second most populous ethnic group in the country (Note 5). That would pose a threat to the crisis of ethnic decadence as a matter of course. Many Hakka youngsters are unable to speak the their mother tongue because of the promotion of Mandarin Chinese and the restriction of dialects being spoken in schools by the central government after it retreated to Taiwan in 1949.

As most people learn that language is not only the tool for humans to express their emotion and communicate their ideas, but also a significant asset for each ethnic group. But the current campaigns in promoting the Hakka culture advocated by authorities concerned lay great emphasis on the Hakka operas, ballads and heritage of culture, rather than a preservation of the Hakka language that eventually results in a crisis of disconnection for the Hakka language as well as present a sense of underestimation and ignorance to the Hakka culture. It is undoubtedly the woe of the Hakka people.

The waning of the Hakka dialect means the decline and fall of the Hakka people (Note 6). In the case of a disappearing dialect, the Hakka culture shall be hardly sustained, resulting in the annihilation of the ethnic group. Therefore, the crisis of the Hakka dialect signifies a crisis for the Hakka people.

The preservation of the Hakka culture shall be the Hakka people's mission in the long run. First, each Hakka person shall have a consensus over cherishing and preserving the Hakka culture. Talking with the new generation in Hakka language shall be encouraged. Secondly, ask teachers in those cities and counties with majority Hakka population to speak the Hakka language in teaching of localism subjects, making the Hakka youngsters to be able to listen and speak the language. Thus, the Hakka language will not to be reduced to its decadence, but led to a sustainable heritage for Hakka culture.

3,Cultural Impact of the Hakka Ethnic Group

Cultural haemorrhage faced by the Hakka people is a core of ethnic issue. Causes of the cultural haemorrhage come from mainstream culture, society and value, followed by affects from modernization and globalization.

The Hakka issue is an ethnic one. The subject of our interaction is the society in Taiwan, and then a confrontation with globalization and modernization. One of the Hakka people's important missions is to convince our society to accept one concept: The growth of old-fashioned Hakka culture would create an abundant society and diversified culture. The minority shall establish public relations with the majority. As the majority would always forget or neglect the existence of the minority's problems, we shall awake the Hakka people's entity consciousness, which we hope the Hakka ethnic group can highly appreciat and accept in the awakening process of such consciousness. In defining the Hakka culture, we give explanation to our society that it is not a disappearance for things of Hakka not used in the past. Hakka can enrich and beautify the whole society. We shall explain to Hakka people that Hakka culture is not their burden, but vital to go forward.

Diversity implies that there is distinct harmony between different ethnic groups as well as between cultures, and there should be no forced harmony. Just like biological diversity, cultural diversity valuable. It also has other functions. If preservation of cultural diversity is necessary, chauvinism of mainstream culture shall be restricted on the one hand; disadvantaged ethnic group and culture shall be given supports on the other hand, thus avoiding an extermination to moderate the gulf between the strong and disadvantaged cultures as well as give equal dialogue and interaction between different ethnic groups and cultures, enhancing the plentiful diversity of the entire cultural life. Just as the status quo of the diversified cultures in Taiwan, both the Hakka culture and aboriginal culture are facing cultural crisis that requires emphatic protection, not only for the sake of the two cultures, but a protection of cultural diversity in Taiwan. The modern world has become one new human right, i.e. "Rights of Culture".

4,Downcast of the Hakka Awareness

"Hakka islands" are formed by some of the population living in scattered places surrounded by Holo people. Owing to thie isolation, the Hakka people have often been looked down upon. Repelled and even insulted, they lost their dignity and confidence, thus further prompting a concealment of their identity intentionally and unintentionally. Consequently, an inferiority complex has emerged in the fear of exposure, even to the point of denying Hakka origin. Thus, who has the courage to speak the Hakka dialect How can one expect those Hakka people who dare not speak their mother tongue to have a pride in their Hakka identity That explains the decline of a Hakka awareness.

[ 本帖最后由 huangchunbin 于 2006-9-15 17:42 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-15 14:06:55 | 显示全部楼层
III,New Hope of Hakka Culture

With the advent of the 21 century, the Hakka ethnic group faces the crisis of rapid haemorrhage of ethnic culture under the alienation from the culture of the grand society. To help solve the crisis for the ethnic group, the government shall be undertaking to save the disappearing Hakka culture by reconstructing the Hakka people's confidence and self-assurance, continuing ethnic lifeline, and extending ethnic life, for the sake of fighting for the rights of four million Hakka people in Taiwan!

1,The Establishment of Council for Hakka Affairs

The establishment of Council for Hakka Affairs (Note 7), Executive Yuan, is believed to be able to solve the crisis of the Hakka culture, offering clear policy making and administrative resources for the promotion of Hakka affairs and serving as a governing body. The renaissance of the Hakka culture and the extension of life for the Hakka ethnic group will be more systematic, at the hope of outlining a concrete perspective and summoning cohesion to create an expanded and bright perspective. Council for Hakka Affairs is undertaking the following significant missions:

1.1 Work with local governments to take advantage of civil resources to promote "Renaissance of Hakka Culture and Arts" as well as the Hakka language and culture.

1.2 Have cooperation with both domestic and overseas Hakka associations and a participation in international non-government organizations to enable both domestic and overseas groups to have an access to the Hakka culture.

1.3 Undertake the heritage and renaissance of lifeline of the Hakka culture as well promote cooperation and exchange between domestic and overseas Hakka organizations, constructing Taiwan into the center of world Hakka culture.

1.4 Lay foundation for Hakka education and train Hakka talents, making contribution to the society in Taiwan.

1.5 Build harmonious relation between ethnic groups, making Taiwan have a society with diversified ethnic groups and cultures which enjoy the achievement of co-prosperity.

1.6 Cooperate with Council of Agriculture, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Council for Cultural Affairs and local governments to combine characteristics of Hakka culture with leisure industry, helping Hakka farm villages transform and creating new hope for the Hakka ethnic group that vitalizes Hakka's traditional culture.

2. Inauguration of Hakka TV Voices for the Hakka Culture

The phenomenon for an alienation of a disadvantaged culture by a strong culture is common in the world. The Hakka language and culture have been declining gradually in the past, the inauguration of Hakka TV, however, is a breakthrough for the Hakka ethnic group's mass media development, ushering one most expedite and effective means for communication of language and culture.

In the last several hundred of years, Hakka people in Taiwan have been making efforts in their hearts to show their "stiff neck" spirit and dedicate themselves to the development of this soil. The Hakka language and culture, however, have not been shown respect and concern in the last decades, and have even been acculturated into the strong culture during the course of modernization. To make the beautiful and rich Hakka culture rooted, Council for Hakka Affairs opts to take TV as one of means to deliver the heritage of Hakka language and culture, with its faith delivered as "The voice for Hakka ethnic group through mass media brings a stage for activating the Hakka language which produces abundant and strong inspiration to Hakka people".

"Hakka TV" (Note 8) not only helps Hakka people fulfill their dream they have longed for, but also urge the concepts of "language activation", "heritage of culture", and "enhancement of dignity and confidence of groups". Furthermore, its offers opportunity for either Hakka youngsters who don't speak Hakka language or non-Hakka people to have a better understanding of Hakka language and culture, hastening Hakka language and culture to be rooted and regenerated.

3. The establishment of Hakka Research Centers and Hakka Institutes at National Universities.

Many Hakka Research Centers and Hakka Institutes were established at national universities, like the Global Hakka Research Center at NUU (Note 9). They are doing a lot of research on Hakka Cultures. The researchers work hard and devote themselves to the promotion and development of Hakka culture.

IV,Promotion and Development of Hakka Culture

Diversified culture is one of the characteristics of Taiwanese cultures, among which the unique Hakka culture is facing an impending crisis of cultural haemorrhage. Hakka people are one of four ethnic groups in Taiwan, and Hakka language is the second major one among the four languages spoken in Taiwan currently. A respect for Hakka culture means a respect for Hakka people. Authorities concerned shall bring up effective, accurate and good policies to make a realization of promotion and development for Hakka culture (Note 10):
1. Renaissance of Hakka Language and Culture

Hakka culture has been facing a phenomenon of rapid haemorrhage and marginalization, and the major reason is the change of social structure. As the economy of Taiwan has been transformed from agricultural economy to an industrial and commercial one that changes the social structure, it results in a rapid haemorrhage of Hakka language. Once there emerges a haemorrhage of language, it will cause a disappearance of culture soon afterward that would give a serious crisis to the heritage of the ethnic group. In view of recognition over these crises, a renaissance of Hakka culture shall be a mission of priority.

1.1 Enhance the Public's Attention to the Hakka Language:

The intention of promoting monomialized educational policy by government in the past is to suppress disadvantaged groups' language and culture. In view of such awareness, we shall be committed to the urge of the public's respect to the Hakka language and culture and ethnic group, such as increase opportunity for the Hakka language in public domain and mass media. TV and mass media, in particular, are public means, and it shall further adopt the broadcasting in various languages. Meanwhile, the Hakka language programs shall be increased by offering more opportunities for the public to experience the beauty of the Hakka language and culture as well as accept and recognize the Hakka people, thus helping build the Hakka people's self-esteem and confidence.

1.2 Preservation and heritage of the Hakka language: Avoid a haemorrhage of the Hakka language as well as enhance preservation and heritage of the Hakka language, making the language spoken more widely in the Hakka ethnic group as well as paid more attention to in public places.

The concrete measures include:

1.2.1 Coordinate with Ministry of Education to start classes featuring Hakka language
learning, at the hope of strengthening the teaching of Hakka language and culture.
1.2.2 Promote pre-education teaching for Hakka language, at the hope of the teaching to be rooted starting in the pre-education stage.

1.2.3 In view of many Hakka youngsters' failure to speak the Hakka language, a project on the course of Hakka language promotion will be initiated in community colleges to
offer opportunity for those who have interest in learning the Hakka language.

1.2.4 Family is the core to maintaining the heritage of a mother tongue, a family campaign of the Hakka language will be promoted to encourage Hakka family members to speak
their mother tongue at home.

1.2.5 Adopt concrete encouraging measures: Hold Hakka language a speech competition, a debate competition, a mountain and tealeaf pickers song competition, and a new song
in Hakka language competition, all of which will be open to those who are not Hakkanese, at the hope of expanding the Hakka language-speaking population.

Preliminaries for each competition will start in villages and towns, then semi-finals in counties and cities, and come in the final. These meaningful competitions aim to preserving traditional culture as well as encouraging innovative new Hakka language and culture.

1.3 Assist in the development of Hakka associations

1.3.1 Association is one significant part to boost the development of ethnic group and society. Authorities concerned shall assist and guide Hakka groups actively, making them more vigorous and energetic with wider space to bring their talents into full play as well as to show their cultural standard of high quality.

1.3.2 With the practice of five-day workweek in this country, promote the development of leisure agriculture. In response to the agricultural operation environment in Taiwan that causes serious impact to farmers after this country's accession to the WTO, combine agricultural production with agricultural ecology along with marketing measures to bring out a new operation model through a leisure agriculture model, at the hope of promoting the leisure and recreation business brought by Hakka culture.

2. Build Taiwan as the World Research Center for Hakka Culture

Of ancient origin and a long development in history as well as with a rich culture, Hakka ethnic groups are widely spread around the world, the one in Taiwan has brought out its own unique characteristic in particular. Making a link between the Hakka ethnic group in Taiwan and those ones in other areas of the world in the future, making Taiwan as the center of world Hakka ethnic groups. The major measures will be:

2.1 Prepare the establishment of a Hakka university and college to commit to becoming the research centers for Hakka culture study and laying a foundation for a link to all Hakka ethnic groups in the world. The research subjects shall be issues concerning the Hakka culture and ethnic group, at the hope of achieving the research results of leading academic criteria as well as laying the foundation for Taiwan's leading role as the world Hakka culture center.

2.2 Establish a Hakka library, a Hakka cultural museum, and a Hakka cultural center to collect information and literatures concerning the Hakka culture, at the hope of making Taiwan the center housing the most plentiful literatures and records of the Hakka culture.

2.3 Set up the Hakka Culture Contribution Award and an Outstanding Hakka Talent Award to encourage the creation and research of the Hakka culture.

3. Build one diversified society of mutual-respect and co-prosperity

3.1 Encourage the whole society in Taiwan to recognize the value of diversified culture as well as to cultivate people's broadmindedness for showing respect to other ethnic groups and cultures, at the hope of achieving one diversified society of mutual-respect and co-prosperity in this country as well as making each ethnic group have equal rights for survival and development with dignity and confidence that helps this country bring her whole power and strength into full play to create one wonderland for all people living in this country.

3.2 Cohere Hakkanese's power to glorify the Hakka culture as well as enhance positive recognition and appreciation of the Hakka culture from the society, in an attempt to boost Hakkanese's confidence and pride of being one part of the group by never emerging one phenomenon that Hakkanese fail to have an identity of them as Hakkanese.

4. Mobilization of Hakkanese

Promotion and development of the Hakka culture is the common mission of all the Hakkanese. The Hakka language represents the major index for the Hakkanese. How can we find Hakkanese if a situation of haemorrhage of the Hakka language emerges Not only to be Hakkanese's root, the Hakka culture is one important resource to a democratic country. Every Hakkanese person is committed to the preservation of Hakka culture. How can the Hakkanese expect others to carry out this mission if they fail to do so We shall inspire more people's sense of calling to engage in this commitment. Most Hakkanese may not offer themselves to this mission, but an echo in support is encouraged. So several effective and feasible measures can be implemented as follows:

4.1 Joint Participation

Cohesion of individual power would be mighty. Each Hakkanese is able to contribute his/her efforts, and we shall concentrate our efforts on an achievement of our common goal - promotion and development of the Hakka culture.

4.2 Identify the Hakka Crisis

As many people deny the existence of the Hakka crisis, to identify the existence of the Hakka crisis is the first step to solve the crisis of the Hakka culture. Only by inspiring everyone's awareness of the "Hakka crisis" can the promotion and development of Hakka culture get twice the result with half of the effort.

4.3 Proud of Being a Hakkanese

Hakkanese shall break way from a mindset of "invisibility" by actively identifying themselves as Hakkanese and feeling proud to be Hakkanese. It is necessary for the Hakkanese to recognize their own identity in other ethnic groups' scenes, more than in that of the Hakkanese. An active identity would call for other ethnic groups' attention and earn respect.

4.4 More Encouragement, Less Criticism

The Hakkanese have a commitment to the preservation of Hakka culture and a fight for Hakka rights and interests, and those who engage in the promotion and development of the Hakka culture shall be given encouragement, rather than criticism, getting more people to participate. Criticism would only cause setbacks to the promotion and development of Hakka culture.

4.5 Guide Rising Generation, Recommend Elites

The successful promotion and development of the Hakka culture is closely related to the political and economic resources gained by Hakka ethnic groups. More political and economic resources would enhance more assistance. Hakka ethnic groups shall be more willing to guide rising generations and recommend elites to enable them with opportunity of obtaining more resources to make the entire Hakka ethnic group get proper resources, thus the efficacy for promotion and development of Hakka culture can be expected soon.

4.6 Psychological Reconstruction

There should never be a shame for being a Hakka! Guide our next generation to understand virtues such as the diligence, frugality, loyalty and unity that the Hakka people possess. These qualities should be highlighted, helping to build their courage, self-esteem and confidence and would motivate the next generation to learn the Hakka culture.

4.7 Set a Good Example for Others

The frequent speaking of the Hakka dialect by adults at home will create learning
opportunity for the children. One more language is one more living tool, which will bring
an unexpected facility. Why not go ahead with it History tells us that "ethnic doom"
follows the disappearance of a language and culture for an ethnic group. That's why
every Hakka person should have Hakka awareness to take responsibility for preserving the Hakka culture, thus creating development opportunities for the Hakka culture.

4.8 Stimulate an Awakening of the Hakka Awareness and Bear the Responsibility of the
Cultural Legacy as a Hakka DescendantHakka people should be alerted to the crisis of their own language and culture. They should be proud to be a Hakka , knowing that when there will be no Hakka dialect, there will be no Hakka people; eventually they will have to face "ethnic doom." Only such an awareness of the situation, together with school education, mass communication, political participation, economic activity and self-awakening can awaken and establish the Hakka people.

4.9 To Unify the Ethnic Group and promote the incorporation

Language and culture will naturally be under an ethnic group's protection if the same ethnic group can live together, in comparison to those ethnic groups living scattered in different places who are easily assimilated into other ethnic groups, particularly in areas with a progressive economy and a developed information industry. That's why Hakka dialect is
hardly to be preserved because the Hakka people live in scattered places. Except for Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, Hakka people are scattered in places around the island that could cause the loss of language and culture. Believing that living together can enable the preservation of the language, I suggest that Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli shoulg be grouped into one administrative area, bringing a unity to the culture, the institution of customs and the language , thus naturally generating a sense of identification and cohesion. A strong cohesion can make it easy to preserve the Hakka dialect and culture.

It is encouraging and grateful to the Hakka people that the Hakka culture in crisis should have a turning point. The Hakka people in particular should, however, at their critical point in time help themselves before helping others.

V, Conclusion

The Hakkanese have long been facing the crisis of ethnic identity, the declination of the Hakka culture, private domainization of the Hakka culture under the influence from other mainstream ethnic groups that causes the disappearance of Hakka. Thus, survival and development for lifeline of Hakka ethnic group is facing an unprecedented challenge. Government shall work with civil organizations to help preserve the Hakka culture, while the Hakkanese with awareness shall further awake the Hakka ethnic groups' ethnic consciousness to lead Hakka language and culture to a turning point of renaissance, thus taking on an aspect of mutual admiration and respect in Taiwan's diversified cultures and making inherent Chinese cultures more plentiful and being of ancient origin and long development.

[ 本帖最后由 huangchunbin 于 2006-9-15 14:09 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-15 14:10:31 | 显示全部楼层
Explanatory Notes
Note 1:See 吴中杰民84)〈客语次方言与客语教学〉,《台湾客家语论文集》, 台
北 pp. 290-304.
Note 2:Magistrate Tseng-Chang Su expressed "The end of mother tongue denotes the
extermination of culture" during the activity"A Tour of Taiwan through Hakka TV — Hakka Arts" held by Taipei County Government in June 2003.
Note 3:After "Legacy of the Hakka" magazine founded in 1987, "romotion Of Hakka Rights & Interests" was established in 1988 by members of the magazine together with the Hakka groups, Hakka farmer and labor unions, and political figures who held a thousands-of-people demonstration calling for "Let's Restore Our Mother Tongue" at the same time.
Note 4: PM. Hsi-Kun Yu addressed during the National Hakka Administrative Conference held
in Taipei Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center on Nov. 27-28, 2003.
Note 5:The same as Note 1.
Note 6:See 曹逢甫,黄雅榆:2002,〈客家危机以及客家人对客语和政府语言政策的态度〉,家公共政策研讨会,台北 pp. 1-1--1-43.
Note 7:Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, was established on June 14, 2001.
Note 8:Hakka TV was inaugurated on July 1, 2003.
Note 9: Nuu is an university named National United University,located in Miaoli City, Miaoli
Note 10:Sources came from Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan.

Shih, Cheng-Feng,2002,"Ethnic Identity and National Identity: Mainlanders and
Taiwan-China Relations."aper presented at the International Studies Association 43rd Annual Convention, New Orleans, March 24-27.
Constable, Nicolas,1996'Hakka Christian Expressions of Hakka Identity'in
Constable, Nicolas ed."Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad",Seattle, Univ. of Washington.
Martin, Howard J.,1996,"The Hakka Ethnic Movement in Taiwan, 1986-1991",
in Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad, Constable, Nicolas ed.,Seattle,Univ. of Washington.
Chan, Hui-chen,1994, "Language Shift in Taiwan:Social and Political Determinants PhD.
Dissertation",Washington ,D.C. Georgetown University.
Wurm, Stephen,1991,"Language Death and Disappearances: Causes andCircumstances.",In Robins and Uhlenbeck (eds),p. 1-18.
Hashimoto, Montaro,1973,The Hakka Dialect,Cambridge: The Princeton University Press.
Yu, Shiou-min,,1984,Aspects of Phonology of the Miaoli Hakka,Unpublished MA. Thesis
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From:http://miaoli.hom.com.tw/MasterA ... /Memoir/file/01.doc
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