研究生: 吳國弘
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
學年度: 90
第一章 緒論:其中包括研究者的研究的動機、目的、方法、架構及研究的範圍與限制。
第二章 大陸客家的文獻探討與歷史淵源:包括對客家人有研究的書籍之討論與客家人的人口分布及其歷史上的幾次遷移,還有在客家人遷移之後的分布情況。
第三章 大陸客家物質文化的特質:探討客家人的價值觀與其所有的一些物質上的生活方式,其中包括客家族群的飲食習慣、服飾風格、獨特的居住建築以及經濟的來源等等。
第四章 大陸客家精神文化的特質:研究客家人的風俗習慣,還有在客家族群中的精神層面的文化特質,深入了解大陸客家族群精神方面的依歸,並了解客家族群對教育主觀的看法。
第五章 現代化對客家文化的衝擊:主要是要了解在大陸經濟改革開放之後,對大陸的客家族群的傳統生活上的改變情況,以訪談作為輔助,來與以往客家觀念做比較,以及對年輕一代的影響及衝擊,其中也是以訪談來探討了解。
第六章 結論與建議。
This thesis primarily researches the distinctions of Hakka culture in Mainland china that includes the material culture and spiritual culture ﹒ Also , to understand the transition and the current conditions of Hskka culture in Mainland China ;moreover, went practically to Hakka villages in Mainland China and interviewed the local residents thoroughly in order to gain the proof , and to provide the conclusion and further suggestions of researching as references for experts and scholars ﹒ This thesis is divided mainly into six chapter :
Chapter One-introduction : including the researcher’s motives , purposes , methods , structure , range , and limits of the research.
Chapter Two-Hakka literature discussion and the historical source in Mainland China :Including the discussion of the books that study Hakka , the population distribution and the several historical migrations of Hakka , and the distributive condition after Hakka migrations.
Chapter Three-The distinctions of Hakka material culture in Mainland China :Discusses the concepts of value and some material life ways of Hakka that includes the drink and eat habits , the clothing style , the unique residential buildings,and the economical sources , etc.
Chapter Four-The distinctions of Hakka spiritual culture in Mainland China :Research the customs and habits of Hakka and the culture distinctions of the spiritual layer in Hakka tribe , and to understand thoroughly the spiritual dependence of Hakka tribe in Mainland China and their subjective viewpoints of education.
Chapter Five-The impact modernization brings Hakka :primarily to understand the changing conditions in the traditional life of Hakka tribe after the economical reform and release in Mainland China assisted by the interviews , and to compare with the former Hakka viewpoints ; moreover the influence and the impact modernization bring the young Hakka generation which were understand by the assistance of the interviews , too.
Chapter Six-Conclusion and suggestion. |