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发表于 2008-5-6 13:42:59
1、丘菊贤著《客家综论》 香港 香港天马图书有限公司 1999年8月 出版
2、黄顺炘等主编《客家风情》 北京 中国社会科学出版社 1993年3月出版
3、梅州市地方志编委会《梅州客家风俗》 广州 暨南大学出版社1992年出版
4、张卫东等主编 《客家研究》第一集 上海 同济大学出版社 1989年1月出版
5、王耀华《客家艺能文化》 福建 福建教育出版社 1995年9月出版
6、冯光钰著《客家音乐传播》 北京 中国文联出版社 2001年1月出版
7、李寿粦 著《山歌野谭》 北京 文化艺术出版社 2002年4月出版
8、族谱编辑小组 《广东五华锡坑李氏源流志》香港 1993年孟春
On The Origin of Hakka Folk Songs
Li Shoulin
(Jiaying University Meizhou Guangdong 514015 China)
Abstract: Hakka folk song is one of folk songs in China. It is melted with the folk songs of center plain area when the migrants of center plain migrate to the south China.
Firstly, the relationship between Hakka national system and Hakka folk songs belong to a host and a subordinate. Through knowing the origin of Hakka national system, we can know the origin, the form and the change of Hakka folk songs.
Secondly, we can know the origin of Hakka folk songs from the relationship between Hakka dialect and ancient accent of center plain. Hakka folk songs are sung in Hakka dialect and we can find many examples which can show the close relationship between Hakka dialect and ancient accent of center plain.
Thirdly, we can know the origin of Hakka folk songs from the comparison of rhetoric style, expression form and expression means between Hakka folk songs and ancient folk songs of center pain, Zhuzhi poetry of Tang Dynasty. We can find that “15 Guofeng” and “Yefu Folk songs” of Shijing and Zhuzhi poetry of Tang Dynasty are almost identical to Hakka folk songs in expression form, expression means and rhetoric style.
Finally, we can know the origin of Hakka folk songs from the comparison between folk songs of She nationality and Hakka folk songs. The form and the development of Hakka folk songs develop with the migrants of center plain ant the same time. On the one hand, Hakka folk songs relate to the migrants’ folk songs of center plain vertically. On the other hand, Hakka folk songs horizontally melt with the folk songs of She nationality of the original residents where Hakka people moved to and resided. Therefore, we can not only find the image of folk songs of center plain area but also the elements of folk songs of She nationality of the original residents from Hakka folk songs.
In short, Hakka folk song is the product of the culture of migrants of center plain area. Hakka folk songs are original from ancient folk songs of center plain area.
Key words: Hakka folk song, migrant, center plain, ancient folk song |