本帖最后由 namlow 于 2014-5-13 11:50 编辑中性的减肥食物
According to Dr Lindsey (The guest host on the popular Dr Oz show) Garcinia Cambogia works in more than one way, "The first way is it goes in and causes the body to burn glucose, or sugar, and burn fat, mainly in the liver. The second way, the most important way, is it slows the release of sugar into the blood stream. So when you don't have sugar building up in the blood stream, you don't have fat building up because sugar turns to fat. When the two are combined together, you get this synergistic effect that basically burns, blocks and stops fat. It's also clinically tested to be natural, safe and effective."
山竹性寒凉,有极佳的降热解燥功效。 本帖最后由 namlow 于 2014-5-14 20:27 编辑
海底世界 发表于 2014-5-13 21:42
“..... it goes in and causes the body to burn glucose, or sugar, and burn fat, mainly in the liver. The second way, the most important way, is it slows the release of sugar into the blood stream. ..."