Sexy Legs, ha! ha ! Congratulation for the opening of weibo in sina.
namchonglow: namlow said: Sexy Legs, ha! ha ! Congratulation for the opening of weibo in sina.变成美腿控了,罗兄啊 回复 2# yanxiuhong
明星嘛,没问题的。演员不必要唱的,明星都有代唱的。 namlow 发表于 2013-3-30 09:33 static/image/common/back.gif
namchonglow: namlow said: Sexy Legs, ha! ha ! Congratulation for the opening of weibo in sina.
贺登陆Weibo 明星演员网成功!
年青人尋多方向發展,路很長,慢慢走!为自己的夢想努力,加油! Well, this is林志玲's legs:
which pair do u like?