中文待續Cross post from Asiawind Hakka Forum
Documentary for the Eighteen DaBu Associations - BuLian Assoc. Doc
Author: namlow
Date: 05-30-05 02:00
Here is the starting points:
The Perak DaBu Assoc. More to come for the other 17 Assoc. You can join for suggestions/ideas. This will be an MM plus Internet edition. There will be 19 sections, starting from DaBu County, China to the formation of the 18 Assoc. in Malaysia plus the one in Singapore.
Rgds, Nam Low
[ Last edited by namlow on 2005-5-30 at 15:41 ] 馬來西亞大埔聯會要辦一文物室,這DVD片是一提議. 其次是想為埔聯18會館裝一互聯綱頁.
http://spaces.msn.com/members/namlow/ 很不错,各位年轻一代的客家仔帮忙干!向大埔乡亲们致敬!