namlow 发表于 2016-10-15 15:40:57


天下客家流行音乐 Global Hakka Pop Music7 mins ·

One of the object of this fb page is to modernize the loops in the Han opera's music. There are 150 pieces of it.大埔获评首批“广东省戏剧之乡”
梅州网 2016-10-15 08:49 来源: 梅州日报
[报料热线] 2301111 13411225588 [报错有奖] 2278888...See More
One of the object of this fb page is to modernize the loops in the Han opera's music. There are 150 pieces of it.

Tai po "one of the first batch of guangdong province of township" drama
Meizhou. Net 2016-10-15 08:49 Source: Plum State daily
2301111 13411225588 2278888 Juice by mistake.
This newspaper's news (Reporter Zheng Wei Mei) on the 13th, province wen united, Provincial Drama Association held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, "drama" the name of the award ceremony, cards wuchuan, yangchun, tai po county, give me a break Ping County Wait 4 A City (District) awarded the first batch of "Guangdong Province town of drama".
"Guangdong Province town of drama" is by province wen united, Provincial Drama Association Co-approved name and carry out oversight and guidance of literary features brand, for every three annual award cards area after assessment.
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namlow 发表于 2016-10-17 12:48:15

150 loops is coming soon!汉乐li音樂循環和節拍即將到來!

namlow 发表于 2016-10-25 12:24:02母音处理程序,免费。

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查看完整版本: 汉剧里面的汉乐现代化。