罗定朝Samuel Lowe-关于我们的祖父的书
Google翻译,微改:孙子和罗定朝塞缪尔·罗威的曾孙将访问我们的客家同胞开始6月26日多伦多筛选出纪录片FINDING SAMUEL Lowe和我的两个表弟,Man Kwan Lowe,我将讨论我们每个人都写了关于我们的祖父的书!Man Kwan Lowe来自中国,我们的祖父从牙买加在1933年回到深圳广州很荣幸与他生活。The grandchildren and great grandchildren of 罗定朝Samuel Lowe will visit our fellow Hakka beginning June 26 in Toronto to screen out documentary FINDING SAMUEL LOWE and both my cousin, Man Kwan Lowe, and I will discuss the books we each wrote about our Grandfather! Man Kwan is coming from China and can speak about his life with our Grandfather who returned to Shenzhen and Guangzhou from Jamaica in 1933. We are so honored.
English ver: Samuel Lowe
Chinese ver: Man Kwan Lowe